Chapter 16

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Me: Hey everyone

Lucy: Are Evie and Saee with you?

Me: I don't know

Lucy: What do you mean you don't know?!

Me: Well, they just come and go as they please

Lucy: Are they allowed to do that?

Me: I don't know and don't ask me any more questions

Lucy: But-

Evie/Saee: Hi

Lucy: Eek! You scared me

Evie: Whatever

Me: Now time for some dares

Natsu: Yes, I was get-

Me: Wait! I almost sister wants to have a cooking contest

Natsu: Yes! I get to eat more food

Me: But you're one of the contestants

Natsu: .......

Me: Evie and Gajeel will also be participating. Lucy, Saee and I are the judges

Natsu: Who said?

Me: I did......and my sister helped me too

Saee: *drags Natsu and Gajeel to their small kitchens*

Gajeel: How come Evie's kitchen is so much better than ours?

Me: Because she- wait, why is Evie's better than theirs?

Evie: Because I ordered them to be like this

Natsu/Gajeel: But that's not fair!

Me: Begin!

Natsu/Gajeel/Evie: What should I make? ......I know, I'll make takoyaki. I bet the others can't even think of anything

-Timeskip to after the cooking-

Me: Bring up your dishes

Natsu/Gajeel/Evie: *puts 2 different plates of takoyaki infront of us*

Evie: It appears that we all made takoyaki but the second dish is our own creation of it

Me: Interesting.....

Saee/Lucy/Me: *eats the original version*

Me: This is delicious.....but they all taste exactly the same

Lucy: I think they're all good but I didn't know that Natsu or Gajeel could even cook a decent dish

Saee: They're good and I agree with Eden

Saee/Lucy/Me: *taste the second dishes and spits it all out*

Me: Natsu, how much hot sauce did you put in this?! Gajeel, this takoyaki almost broke my teeth and Evie, these taste like rotten fish eggs

Saee/Lucy: Yeah, what she said

Natsu: Glad you like it, so.....who's the winner?

Saee/Lucy/Me: *discusses it in private*

Me: We have decided that it's a tie

Natsu/Gajeel/Evie: What?!

Lucy: These are your prizes *hands each of them a piece of paper*

Saee: Have fun

Natsu: What are we supposed to do with this?!

Me: I don't know, origami

Natsu/Gajeel: But we don't know origami!

Saee: Let me show you then *makes a crane*

Evie: *makes a chatterbox*

Me: *writes in Evie's chatterbox* Pick a colour

Natsu: Red

Me: Now pick a number

Natsu: 8

Me: Pick another number

Natsu: 7

Me: You will be a retarded singer one day

Gray: *laughs* I'm next

Me: What colour?

Gray: Blue

Me: Number?

Gray: 5

Me: Second one?

Gray: 1

Me: You will be rich and lonely....when you become 100 years old

Gray: What?!

Me: I-

Natsu: Let me try *snatches it off me and accidentally burns it* Oops

Me: Whatever

Evie: Nooo! My beautiful fortune teller

Saee: Just make another one

Me: *takes out the squishy Gray gave me* Squish squish

Saee: As usual, you're obsessed with squishing stuff

Me: Hehe

Evie: Can I squish it?

Me: No, it's mine

Rogue: I got one for you

Evie: Yay! *hugs him*

Rogue/Evie: *blush*

Sting: Hey, you're forgetting about me

Saee: Where's my squishy?

Lucy: I got you one

Natsu: Let me have a go *eats it and spits it back out* What is this?

Lucy: You're not supposed to eat it, idiot

Natsu: But it looks and smells so good

Saee: *fake cries* My squishy

Lucy: I got you another one, just in case someone destroys it

Saee: Thanks

Me: I dare someone to go on a date with Evie

Sting: It'll obviously be me

Rogue: ......

Evie: But I like both of you....I mean, uh...

Me: *pushes all three of them out the door* Have fun

Saee: Well, there's nothing for-

Me: Hold on a sec, you're going on a date with-

Loke: Me

Saee/Me: .......

Loke: Come on, we haven't got all day....beautiful *drags Saee out the door*

Me: I'm bored

Gray: *throws a snowball at me*

Me: I am so gonna win this

Gray: But you have nothing to throw

Me: *sad face*

Bisca: We'll help you with that *gets out a gun*

Gray: Hey, that's not fair, you could kill me with that

Me: Well, it's your fault. Let's-

Gray: *wraps his arms around me*

Me: *blush* Gray, what are you doing?

Gray: I'll let you go if you admit that I win

Me: Never

Gray: You asked for it *tickles me*

Me: Okay, okay, you win

Gray: *smirks triumphantly*

Me: See ya in chapter 17 reader-chans

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