Chapter 25

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Me: Hey

Evie: *reads stuff on wattpad*

Me: Um hi?

Natsu: *keeps on eating*

Me: Hello

Lucy: *talks to Lucy*

Me: Anyone?

Saee: *reads a book*

Me: And I'm being ignored

Laxus: *bumps into me* Sorry

Me: It's fine

Gray: *talks to Juvia*

Me: Um Lucy?

Lucy: *ignores me*

Me: Why am I being ignored?!

Laxus: Beats me

Me: Why aren't you ignoring me?

Laxus: Was I supposed to?

Me: I don't know

Laxus: I wasn't told anything about this

Me: Oh....*walks over to master* Is anything wrong?

Makarov: *continues to talk to Erza*

Me: Ugh, even master is ignoring me

Laxus: *orders a drink from Mira*

Me: *idea* If I'm being ignored, then I can do whatever I want to anyone.....well, except for Laxus *evil insane grin*

Laxus: Gajeel told me about that look

Me: I don't care *walks over to Saee and puts slime over her head then goes to draw on Natsu's face* This is good

Laxus: *whispers* Do something to gramps

Me: Okay *puts a silly hat on him and a red nose* Who next? ..... *writes 'I am stupid' on Evie's face*

Laxus: *laughs*

Me: *puts hot sauce in Gray's drink*

Mystogan: *comes back from a job*

Me: Hi

Mystogan: Hi

Me: Yes! You didn't ignore me

Mystogan: *is confused*

Me: *points to everything I did* They didn't notice

Mystogan: *smiles*

Laxus: Are they gonna ignore you?

Mystogan: I don't-

Makarov: Welcome back, Mystogan

Me: I'm going out for a bit

Laxus: I'm going with you

Me: Why?

Laxus: It'll be better than staying here all day

-At a food stand-

Me: *buys almost everything* Want some?

Laxus: I'm fine

Me: *slowly eats everything* Finished

Laxus: That took a long time

Me: To you-

Man: Why hello

Me: Hi, now if you'll-

Man: You going somewhere?

Me: Not really

Man #2: Then why don't you come with us?

Me: No thanks

Man #2: *grabs my arm*

Me: Let go

Man: We want you-

Laxus: *punches them* Let's go

Me: *quickly walks off*

Laxus: Hey! Wait for me!

Me: *giggles*

Laxus: Where are we going?

Me: Lamia Scale

Laxus: Why?

Me: Because I feel like going there

Laxus: .......I'm gonna go back

Me: Okay *walks to Lamia Scale*

Lyon: What are you doing here?

Me: I'm being ignored at the guild

Lyon: Why?

Me: How should I know?!

Lyon: Hey, I was just asking

-At the guild-

Laxus: Why are you guys ignoring her?

Mira: We're planning a surprise

Laxus: What for?

Mira: Well, this story is gonna be on hold for a while after the Nalu, Gruvia, Jerza and Gale chapters.

Laxus: It is?

Mira: Yeah

Everyone: *decorates the guild*

Me: *comes in* Hey Laxus

Laxus: Hi

Me: *sits in a corner*

Everyone: Surprise!

Me: *jumps* What's going on here?

Lucy: *explains it*

Me: Thanks guys

Gray: You're welcome

Natsu/Saee/Evie/Makarov/Gray: It was pretty hard trying to ignore what you did to us

Me: *nervous laugh* Sorry about that, see you guys later, but it isn't 'I'm never gonna see you again' so don't be sad

Natsu: As if I'm sad

Me: Then why are crying?

Natsu: Got something in my eye

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