Chapter 27

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Me: Hey guys, I'm back

Everyone: *crushes me in a group hug*

Me: Can't....breath

Lucy: We missed you so much!

Me: I'm sorry I was gone for so long but you're gonna have to get used to it

Lucy: I understand *pulls Gray over* Aren't you gonna say hi?

Gray: I was going to

Me: Hey Gray

Gray: *hugs me* Hi

Me: Where's Natsu?

Gray: Destroying the guild again

Me: *sweatdrops* Anyway, back to the dares

Lucy: Noooo!

Me: What should I make Lucy do?

Lucy: Don't dare me, dare someone else!

Me: Okay, I dare Natsu to beat master in a fight

Lucy: That's gonna be hard

Natsu: I'm gonna win this for sure

Makarov: *turns into a giant and squashes Natsu*

Natsu: N-nevermind....

Everyone: *laughs*

Me: That was easy

Erza: My strawberry cake!

Me: Oops, sorry Erza

Erza: You'll pay for this *chases me*

Me: Help me!

Jellal: *stops her* Let's go *pushes her out the door*

Me: I dare Gajeel to tie his hair up in pigtails

Gajeel: No way

Me: *does it for him*

Everyone: *laughing their heads off*

Frosch: Hello

Me: Eek! What are you doing here?!

Frosch: Fro was looking for Sabertooth and I found it

Me: This is Fairy Tail

Frosch: Oh-

Rogue: *kicks the doors open* I finally found you *picks Frosch up*

Me: Well, see ya later

Evie: Oh Rogue, no offence but I don't like you and Sting anymore

Me: Traitor!

Saee: Do you even like Fairy Tail?

Evie: I do but-

Me: *in a weird Evie voice* But I like other animes even more

Evie: No! I just don't have a favourite anime

Me: Me neither

Lucy: more dares?

Me: There's more......I dare Saee to do the chicken dance

Saee: Why can't Evie do it?

Me: Because she's too busy doing um....where is she anyway?

Natsu: She said that she was going to some kind of One Piece land

Me: *crushes cup*

Lucy: J-just calm d-down

Me: .......-

Natsu: And she was also singing something-

Lucy: *covers his mouth*

Me: ......*goes on a rampage*

Makarov: Someone calm her down!

Asuka: *gives me a lollipop*

Me: Thanks *eats it then goes on another rampage*

Saee: Oh, I know.....Ramen = Raymond

Me: *stops and burst out laughing*

Wendy: What did you say?

Saee: Something I made up on camp

Me: *calms down* I'm cold

Evie: Go sit in the corner

Me: Where did she come from? Why?

Evie: It's 90 degrees

Me:, no

Saee: Oh, I get it

Me: Chicken dance time!

Saee: *gulp* Look at me, I'm dancing

Me: That was very enthusiastic (no, not really) and great dance, standing around doing nothing

Saee: *nervous laugh*

Me: I dare Mystogan to take us to Edolas

Everyone: What?!

Mystogan: *teleports us to Edolas*

Lucy: Hey Eden, do you have an Edo-version of yourself?

Me: Nup

Coco: Lily!

Pantherlily: *hugs her*

Sugarboy: Hey

Me: I'm bored

Mystogan: You were the one that wanted to come here

Me: I just wanted to see what it was like

Saee: *gets ice cream* Want some?

Me: Yes please *eats the whole thing*

Saee: *sweatdrops* You weren't supposed to eat the whole thing!

Me: Oops, sorry. I dare you to go out with Edo-Natsu

Saee: Um....okay?

Edo-Lucy: Natsu!

Me: *gulp* Scary Erza Lucy

Edo-Lucy: What was that?!

Me: N-nothing *teleports us back to Earthland*

Wendy: I think we brought the wrong Natsu and Lucy

Me: What?! *quickly switched them back*

Lucy: Thanks a lot for leaving us behind

Me: Sorry about that

Saee: Let's do truths

Me: Okay.....Gray, would you rather die with the one you love or find someone else to love?

Gray: *thinks* Maybe the first choice

Mira: Awww, how sweet

Gray: Lucy, what would you do if Natsu started dating another girl?

Lucy: I'd kill him, not literally kill him but you know what I mean

Me: Jealous, are you?

Lucy: *blush* N-no

Saee: Can I do one?

Lucy: Yeah sure

Saee: Would you hate Gray if he broke your phone?

Me: Hey, that's the same one I gave you at school

Saee: So?

Me: Ugh, I would sort of hate him

Saee: Yes or no

Me: Seriously?!

Gray: Let's just move on to the next question

Me: Yes please

Lucy: Levy, when do you think Gajeel will ask you to marry him?

Levy: *blush* We're n-not getting m-married

Me: Bye reader-chans, see ya in chapter 28

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