Chapter 33

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Me: Hello, dare time! Yay!

Lucy: No!

Me: Yes

Lucy: No

Me: Yes

Lucy: No

Me: Whatever

Chalsea: I dare Happy to tease Erza and Erza will not do anything

Happy: *creepy face* Erza's punishment time

Erza: But I'm supposed to punish the bad

Me: Nobody cares, now get on with the dare!

Erza: What did you say?!

Chalsea: Oh and don't punish us as well

Erza: ........

Happy: Erza and Jellal, sitting in a tree, K I S S I N G!

Erza: *blush*

Happy: Erza interview time! So Erza, how is it being the wife of Jellal Fernandez?

Erza: *blushes harder* W-we're not married!

Happy: Oh really? *shows her a drawing of Erza and Jellal with their daughter/son*

Erza: *blushes as red as her hair* Who drew this?!

Happy: I did

Erza: *gets her sword out*

Chalsea: No punishment, remember?

Erza: Grrrr

Jellal: *sees Erza blushing and angry* What happened? Who did this to you?

Erza: *blush* T-them *points to us*

Happy/Chalsea/Me: *gulp*

Jellal: Come on Erza, we're going away from these people *grabs her hand and leaves*

Us: *sigh of relief* He didn't 'punish' us

Chalsea: I want to talk to Lucy

Lucy: What about?

Chalsea: You'll see

-Lucy's apartment-

Chalsea: So, how's life with Natsu as your boyfriend?

Lucy: *blush* It's good

Chalsea: Are you planning on having a wedding?

Lucy: *blushes as red as a tomato* No

Chalsea: *smirks* Really?

Lucy: No!

Natsu: *breaks in*

Me: I brought him here

Lucy: *goes really red*

Natsu: What are we talking about?

Chalsea: Nalu!

Natsu: *blushes faintly*

Chalsea: Do you guys like your ship?

Natsu/Lucy: *hesitantly nods*

Chalsea/Me: Oooooh

Lucy: Shut up!

Happy: You looooove him

Natsu: Happy!

Gray: Natsu asked me to write a poem for you

Lucy: Can't he write one himself?

Natsu: *turns red in embarrassment* I'm not good with poems

Gray: Shall I read it out so you can experience Natsu's love but more importantly, my excellent skill in poetry?

Me/Chalsea: *sweatdrops*

Natsu: Just read it already!

Gray: *clears throat*


Lucy, you are my world
You help me up when I'm broken down
You are the light in my eyes
That shines ever so bright
A fire, that never extinguishes
Continues to warm my heart
I will be by your side
I love you with all my heart
Lucy, my beautiful angel

(A/N): I know, my poetry skills suck. I want to make rhyming poems but that's really hard for me

Lucy: *tears in eyes* Natsu! *hugs him*

Gray: You know, I was the one that wrote it

Lucy: I don't care

Gray: Poor me

Chalsea: *texts Mira about this*

Saee: Great Nalu scene

Me: Thanks

Saee: You should create a scene about you and Gray

Gray/Me: *blush*

Me: *thinks* Nah

Saee: *pouts*

Me: Funny dare time!

Lucy: Seriously?

Me: Yep

-Back at the guild-

Me: I dare Lyon to act like a perfectionist

Lyon: Why?

Me: Because I said so

Lyon: So?

Me: *steam coming out of ears* Do the dare!

Lyon: Okay, geez

Gray: *gets phone ready to record*

Lyon: *changes into an outfit with no wrinkles* *looks around and gasps* Look at that disgraceful organisation! *hurries and fixes the arrangement of dishes*

Me: He really is a perfectionist

Lyon: *points at me* You! Fix your manners

Me: Um no

Lyon: *gets out a walking stick* I would hate to do this but if you don't fix your manners, I'll have to spank you

Me: Hey! Who do you think I am, a baby?! Uh I mean, as you wish, I'll work on my manners

Lyon: Good *goes around making sure every inch of the guild is perfect*

Everyone: *mouth falls open*

Me: You done yet?

Lyon: Yeah, I've had enough

Gray: *sends the video to everyone*

Me: *watches it* Great show Lyon

Lyon: .........

Me: Next dare!

Evie: I'm bored

Me: Go watch anime or something

Evie: *fake cries* Eden doesn't care about me

Me: Am I supposed to?

Evie: *gasps*

Saee: *laughs*

Me: Bye reader-chans, I have a HPE assignment to start and finish. See ya in chapter 34

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