Chapter 37

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Me: Hey everyone

Everyone: We missed you! *hugs me*

Me: Sorry guys

Lucy: Don't worry about it

Me: Anyway, I have a two dares from @xXFrankenHeartXx

Lucy: Seriously? First thing you do when you get back from a long time is dares?

Me: *smiles cheerfully* Yep

Gray: You still haven't changed

Me: Hey

Natsu: I'm all fired up now!

Me: For what?

Natsu: *shrugs*

Me: Onto the dares!

Saee: Already getting started......

Me: The first dare is that Elfman and Evergreen have to pretend to be a couple and either Wendy or Asuka is their kid and Lily is their pet cat and Mira, Laxus, Bickslow and Lisanna are the aunts and uncles.

Elfman/Evergreen: *blushes* What?!

The others included in the dare: We wouldn't mind

Me: Now get to it!

Everyone: Hai!

Elfman: A father needs to be a man

Everyone: *sweatdrops*

Wendy: I'll be the child since Asuka is with Bisca and Alzack

Bisca: Awww, thanks Wendy

Evergreen: Come here Wendy

Me: *smirks* No, you have to say sweetie

Evergreen: *sighs* Come here sweetie

Wendy: Y-yes m-mother

Evergreen: Lily needs some attention, I have to chat with your father

Wendy: Okay *goes over to Lily*

Mira: How's it going at school?

Wendy: Fine, Aunt Mira

Lily: I'll be going

Me: No, you have to stay and cats can't talk

Lily: *is annoyed*

Elfman/Evergreen: *whispers about something* Okay, it's all planned

Me: What is?

Evergreen: *smirks* You'll see

Elfman: *gathers everyone in the 'family'*

Everyone: *nods*

Lucy: I have a bad feeling about this.....

Gray: We all do

Elfman: *breaks the door* Aye matey! We have come to steal your 'ship'!

Me: What is this?!

Everyone else: *rushes in and wrecks the place*

Wendy: *is hiding*

Evergreen: We are the pirate family and nothing will stop us!

Saee: Someone stop them please

Natsu: *cracks knuckles* I'm all fired up now!

Gray: Oi! I'm gonna defeat all of them!

Natsu: No, I am!

Gray/Natsu: *buts heads*

Me: Guys, you're not supposed to fight each other!

Lucy: It's no use talking to them

-A while later-

Me: Now that's finished and I'm fine

Saee: Easy for you to say, you weren't hurt!

Me: Hehe

Saee: Gray! Why didn't you protect me?

Gray: Um...... *slowly backs away*

Me: The second dare is that Erza has to let Ichiya hug her

Erza: *freezes*

Ichiya: Erza's sweet parfume!

Me: *sweatdrops*

Ichiya: *hugs her*

Erza: *shivers then kicks him off*

Me: My sister has a dare too

Evie: I dare Natsu to eat lots of food to make his cheeks look like a chipmunk

Gray: Haha, I would like to see this

Natsu: Food! *eats a bunch of food then looks like a chipmunk*

Me: Squishy! *pinches his cheeks*

Natsu: Mmbjdhbd *spits food out*

Me: *dodges*

Everyone: *laughs*

Evie: Okay, one more dare. I dare Gray to dress up in a pink ballerina tutu and say I'm a ballerina and a girly girl in a weird voice

Gray: What?!

Me: *sigh* Gray, you have to do it!

Gray: Why?....... *dresses up in a pink tutu* I'm a ballerina and a girly girl!

Everyone: *burst out laughing*

Me: I'll admit that was a little funny

Saee: A little?

Me: *smirks and does something on phone*

Saee: W-what are you doing?

Me: *shows Saee my phone*

Saee: *blushes*

Me: I edited the pictures to make it look like Shu is seeing every single embarrassing photo I have of you

Saee: Ugh! *chases me around*

Me: *laughs*

Lucy: What now?

Me: I dare Laxus to do a circus act with Sting and Rogue

Laxus: No, I'm not doing one of your stupid dares

Me: *is offended* I-

Gray: You picking a fight?

Laxus: Fine

Me: *teleports Sting and Rogue to Fairy Tail*

Sting: Don't tell me it's another one of your dares.....

Me: Yep

Rogue: Let's just get this over and done with

Sting: So what is the dare?

Me: Do a circus act with Laxus

Sting: Sorry, can't do it. Don't know circus stuff, bye

Me: Hold it! *evil death glare*

Sting/Rogue/Laxus: *tries to do the trapeze but fails and lands on each other*

Me: Haha

Laxus: What?

Me: You all have bumps on your head

Rogue: Whatever

Me: Anyway, bye reader-chans. See you in chapter 38

(A/N): If I didn't include one of your dares, I'm really sorry. Would you guys mind commenting your dares again? (If you had any), sorry.

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