Chapter 13

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Me: Hey everyone

Gajeel: Sup

Me: I dare you to sing a song about Natsu

Everyone: What?! No!

Gajeel: *smirks and takes out his guitar after changing into his suit* Salamander is a real jerk, going around destroying things but I can beat him every time he challenges me. He is constantly begging me to save him from demons because he's weak......

Natsu: *is engulfed in flames* That is not true!

Gajeel/Natsu: *start fighting*

Me: Okay, the next dare is for Yuka to act like a little child

Yuka: But I don't want to

Me: Well, you have to

Yuka: *sulks* I want candy

Me: No

Yuka: Give me candy!

Me: No

Yuka: *cries like a baby*

Lyon: Thanks Eden, now I have something to tease Yuka about

Me: *smiles*

Juvia: Love rival!

Me: Calm down Juvia, I don't like Lyon as a crush/boyfriend

Juvia: Oh okay *hugs me*

Me: I dare Romeo to ask Wendy out on a date

Carla: I will not allow that to happen, she is too young

Me: Gosh, are you her mother or something?

Carla: *glares at me*

Romeo: Wendy, will you uh g-go out with me?

Wendy: *blush* S-sure

Macao (I think that's how to spell his name, sorry if it's wrong, my stupid sister wouldn't tell me): Awww, my little boy's growing up so fast

Romeo: Dad!

Me: Erza, go up on stage and act

Erza: *gulp* I-I uh h-have *shakes*

Me: Erza has stage fright

Jellal: Don't worry Erza, you won't have to act any longer *takes her out on a date*

Me: Is it okay if I take Asuka out on a walk?

Bisca: Yeah sure

Me: *takes Asuka's hand* Let's go play

Asuka: Yay

Asuka/Me: *walks to a park*

Bully: *throws a rock at Asuka* Think you're so tough, eh?

Asuka: *sobs*

Me: *throws a rock back at the bully* Go away, you stupid boy

Bully: *pokes his tongue out at us* Hey guys, this girl thinks she can beat us

Bully #2: Beat us?

Bully #3: I doubt that

Me: *hides Asuka behind my back*

Bullies: *gets ready to attack but gets knocked out*

Me: Who did that? *looks around*

Asuka: Look *points to a tree*

Me: *sees Mystogan* Was it you?

Mystogan: *nods*

Asuka: *smiles* Thank you um...

Me: Mystogan

Asuka: Oh, thanks Mystogan

Mystogan: *picks up Asuka* Let's go back

Me: Okay

-At the guild-

Me: *evil insane smile*

Gajeel: Oh no

Me: Jura!

Jura: What?

Me: Say one of your attacks

Jura: Rumbling Mt. Fuji!

Me: *burst out laughing*

Jura: What's so funny?

Me: My sister can say that move in a really weird voice (fairypiecepie)

Everyone: You have a sister?!

Me: Yeah, you guys didn't know that?

Lucy: Why didn't you tell us?

Me: I thought you already knew

Natsu: Can we meet her?

Me: Um....why?

Natsu: Because we want to

Me: Ugh, fine. Evie! (That's my sister's name)

Evie: What? Stupid dumbo

Me: *squishes her face* It's so squishy

Gray: *sweatdrops* Really?

Me: What? She has squishy cheeks

Evie: Hey!

Me: *smirks* Sting! Rogue!

Sting: What do you want us for this time?

Me: Well, my sister ha- Ouch!

Evie: *pinches me* Don't tell anyone

Me: MysisterhasacrushonbothofyoubutshekindalikesRoguebetterIthink (Translation: My sister has a crush on both of you but she kinda likes Rogue better, I think)

Evie: *starts hitting me* How could you tell them?!

Me: You know, ouch, this is a really weird way to impress them

Evie: Grrrr

Sting: ....... How could you like Rogue better than me?!

Evie: Because I can

Rogue: Thanks

Me: That was unexpected

Natsu: Hi Egy

Evie: It's Evie, you moron!

Natsu: Hey! You're the moron!

Everyone: *starts fighting*

Me: Break it up!

Everyone: *stops fighting*

Evie: I still think it's so cool that I can actually meet everyone from Fairy Tail

Sting: You're forgetting Sabertooth

Evie: I meant the whole anime

Everyone: What's an anime?

Evie/Me: I don't want to explain it

Natsu: Please please please please please please!

Me: Fine *explains it*

Lucy: Oh, now I get it

Natsu: Um, could you maybe explain that again?

Gray: *knocks him out*

Me: Thanks Gray

Evie: *cough Gray x Eden cough*

Me: Sting/Rogue, Evie wants you two to kiss her!

Evie: *blush* No I don't

Me: Payback

Evie: *growls*

Evie/Me: *starts arguing with each other*

Gray: *holds me back*

Rogue: *pulls Evie away* We're going somewhere else

Me: Bye readers, see you next time....chapter 14

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