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(A/N): Hey guys, sorry for not updating. I had a lot of homework and assignments. And I was updating my other stories. I basically failed the maths test I was 'so prepared' about. Ugh, half of mark is gonna be D because I skipped a lot of questions and I failed like 5. I studied the wrong things. Oh well, you guys probably aren't interested in this so I'll stop complaining. Anyway, this won't be an actual chapter. Sorry about that. I've decided to do 50 facts. I like have writer's block so.....yeah. Enjoy.

1. I am obsessed with my favourite anime characters

2. I am scared of all types of bugs.....except ants

3. I am socially awkward and extremely shy

4. I try to get good grades but fail

5. I am unfortunately not an anime otaku

6. I want to become a writer, photographer and/or fashion designer (that's what I think now, this may change later on)

7. I have 3 younger siblings

8. I don't find that much amusement in amusement parks (I don't like roller coasters)

9. I wish we could somehow teleport in and out of anime

10. I haven't watched more than 14 animes but I wish I had

11. Fairy Tail is my favourite anime

12. I am mostly alone in my classes but I don't mind ........maybe

13. The popular boys hate me because they think I'm weird, ugly and mental

14. I don't have many friends but at least I have a few

15. I enjoy writing stories except for when I have writer's block (but I hate rude comments)

16. Sometimes I only live for anime and writing

17. I'm secretly selfish (but feel bad when I don't share) and a bit sadistic

18. I have a crush but my liking in him is fading

19. I sometimes wonder if my friends actually like me and if people actually like my stories

20. I hate hugs and kisses from family members (and you're probably thinking 'how could you?!')

21. I'm an easy target for bullying

22. I want to have magic/powers

23. The only subject I get A's in is Japanese

24. My siblings hate me (but obviously love know what I mean)

25. My sister is way better in every subject than me

26. I think I'm gonna have a bad future because of my stupid problem (selective mutism)

27. I don't sweat but sometimes want to

28. I can't stay up late.....well, I can but I'll want to fall asleep in class the next day

29. I don't like talking on the phone

30. I'm getting an Ayato phone case (he's from Diabolik Lovers) this late June!

31. I want to be good at sports.....and obviously my other classes but sports is my worst subject

32. I can get sleepy easily

33. I like to eat when I'm bored and I'm almost always bored, that's why I have a fat stomach 😂

34. I can get writer's block easily but think of boring ideas while I'm writing

35. I have a bad cold/cough almost every season

36. I am offended quite easily

37. I sometimes don't show emotions

38. My family sometimes are embarrassing in public

39. I want a MacBook (still haven't decided air or pro) but I'm not allowed to have one till grade 12

40. I love traveling but haven't gone overseas for about 2 years. I want to go somewhere!

41. I have like 3 different personalities......could be more, could be less

42. I want my own room

43. My brother is obsessed with YouTube

44. My sister loves Haikyuu (but personally, I don't like it that much, sorry to people that do)

45. Some teachers think I'm ignorant and rude because I don't reply to them (but honestly, I want to but can't get the words out)

46. I sometimes would rather say no to something but say yes

47. I am physically weak.....maybe mentally weak as well

48. I have impossible dreams

49. I don't think my relatives really like me that much because I'm older 😂

50. My sister hates almost every song I have

(A/N): Alright, I'm finished. Feel free to ask me anything and I'll answer if I feel comfortable. See ya later

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