Chapter 49

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Me: Hi everyone

Lucy: Let me guess, you have a bunch of dares again?

Me: Yep and Saee has the first ones

Saee: I dare Jura to shave his beard nice and clean

Jura: And why would I do that?

Me: Because its a dare and yes, its a good enough reason

Jura: *sighs* Fine

Everyone: *waits eagerly to see him without a beard*

Jura: *shaves it off*

Me: *laughs head off*

Lucy: Is she okay?

Saee: Hope so

Evie: Hope not

Saee: Anyway, I dare Ichiya to not sniff people for a week

Ichiya: But my parfume......

Evie: No one cares

Ichiya: What a sweet parfume!

Me: *covers his mouth with duct tape* Better?

Everyone: *nods*

Trimens: Our leader!

Saee: Whatever, I also dare Eden to dare everyone in Lamia Scale

Me: *smirks*

Lyon: Saee!

Saee: Soz, I guess

Me: I dare Lyon to dress up as a girl and go on a date with Yuka

Lyon/Yuka: *no comment*

Me: Hurry up!

Lyon: *puts on a mini skirt and hoodie*

Everyone: *burst out laughing*

Me: Don't forget this *gives him a messy wig*

Lyon: *grunts and grabs Yuka's hand then storms out of the guild*

Me: Anger issues much?

Saee: Haha, true

Me: I dare Cheria to be Wendy's twin sister

Wendy/Cheria: Yay!

Cheria: *dresses like Wendy*

Wendy: And we can use the same magic, right Eden?

Me: Yeah sure

Cheria/Wendy: *goes off talking about stuff*

Mira: Awww, so cute

Me: I also dare (master of Lamia Scale, sorry I forgot her name) to not spin people for a week

Everyone: *looks at her*

LS master: *quickly stops spinning people* Hehe

Me: Okay, I'm done. I have a dare from @OtakuGirl_143. She dares Natsu to kiss Lisanna in front of Lucy and Gray to kiss Lucy in front of Natsu and me

Lucy/Natsu/Gray: .......

Saee: Are you guys gonna do it or not?

Lucy/Natsu/Gray: No-

Saee: Just kidding, you guys have to

Natsu: *quickly kisses Lisanna infront of Lucy*

Lucy: *feels sad* Calm down, it was just a dare

Gray: *quickly kisses Lucy infront of me and Natsu*

Natsu/Gray: *fights and argues*

Me: A-anyway, I have quite a few dares and truths from @madgirl2868. The first one is that Wendy and Romeo have to kiss for 2 minutes and Wendy has to be in a bikini

Fairy Tail - Truth or Dare (Mostly dares)Where stories live. Discover now