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Juvia's POV

Juvia needed to look her best for Gray-sama *has love hearts in her eyes*. Juvia needed a bath to clean all the grease and dirt.

~After bath~

Gray-sama would be surprised at what Juvia has planned for him. I walked out the door and headed to the guild. There was Gray-sama! *goes over and hugs him*

Gray's POV

"Let go of me!"

Finally, she let go. What was this feeling I got when I was near her? Was it l- no, it couldn't be. I found her too annoying.

"Juvia is sorry for annoying Gray-sama but you will like the surprise." She left before I could say anything. What surprise? Lucy sat down next to me.
"How is it between you and Juvia?"
"I don't know but-" She nodded at me to keep going.
"But whenever I'm near her, my heart sorta beats faster..." She smirked.
"It means that you're in love with her."
"No. Way."
"Yes way."
"She's t-too annoying."
"You never know, maybe that's why you fell in love with her in the first place," Lucy said.
"I-I'm gonna go for a walk." I got up and left.

Juvia's POV

I walked into a nearby store. What should Juvia get Gray-sama? ...Aha! A perfect gift. Now for the next part of the plan. I walked back to the guild. Good, Gray-sama wasn't here.

"Um master...Juvia would like to make an announcement..."
"Listen up brats! Juvia has an announcement to make!" After master said that, everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me. *gulp*
"Um...J-Juvia would like everyone to help me decorate the guild f-for Gray-sama's birthday..."
"Of course we'll help," replied Mira.

~After decorating~

"This is amazing! Thank you everyone." Juvia hoped that Gray-sama would like it...and the present as well.

Gray's POV

I wonder what they were doing at guild. I stopped in my tracks. It was...snowing. Follow your heart. Ur? Tears started to form in my eyes. I missed you... Did she

"Oi! Ice princess! We've been looking all over for you, we need you at the guild!"
"Okay, I'm coming, flame brain!"

~At the guild~

"Happy birthday Gray!" My mouth fell open. How could I forget my own birthday?! And this was...perfect. Like a birthday I have always wanted.
"Um...Gray-sama, Juvia has a present for you." She held out an adorable Labrador puppy. I smiled at her.
"I love it."
"Hey Gray, Juvia was the one that planned all this," Lucy told me.
"You did?" I was surprised.
"Thank you."

~After celebrating~

Juvia and I were walking alone - Lucy was looking after the puppy - until we came across a beautiful cherry blossom tree. Just as beautiful as Juvia...wait what?

Juvia's POV

Alone with romantic.

"Hey um Juvia?"
"What is it?"
"I-I love you." He kissed me. Juvia was about to faint but he caught me.
"Juvia l-loves you too." We spent the rest of the night in each other's arms.

(A/N): Sorry it's shorter than the others. I'm not really a big fan of Gruvia, to be honest. I'm sorry Gruvia fans...please forgive me.

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