Chapter 10

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Me: Hi everyone

Natsu: Hi!

Me: Now for the first dare

Lucy: Already?!

Me: Yep, I dare you to-

Erza: Alright, team Natsu, we're going on a job to defeat a few monsters terrorising a town. The reward is 100000000 jewel.

Lucy: That is a high reward, I'll have enough to pay my rent.

Me: What about me?

Gray: You'll come with us

Me: Yay!

-Timeskip to after packing our stuff-

Erza: *drags Natsu onto the train*

Natsu: I...don'

Me: *helps him lay on Lucy's lap*

Natsu: *falls asleep*

Lucy: *blushes while stroking his hair*

Me: Awww, they look so cute together

Lucy: *blushes even more* S-stop

Gray: *kisses my cheek*

Me: *blush*

Lucy: *smirks* What about you two?

Me: *puts on an innocent face* What about us?

Lucy: You know what I'm talking about

Me: *blushes more*

Erza: Stop talking like love birds....

Lucy: What about you and Jellal?

Erza: *blush* N-nothing's going on between us

Lucy/Me: Oh really? *sarcasm*

(A/N): I don't really know if Gajeel, Levy, Wendy and Carla are in team Natsu but I'll just add them. Usually, I would consider team Natsu as just Natsu, Happy, Lucy, Erza and Gray

Me: Gale moment

Levy: What? No

Me: But he's lying on your lap just like how Natsu is lying on Lucy's

Lucy/Levy: *blush*

Me: Wendy, gotten any closer to Romeo?

Wendy: W-what are you talking about?

Me: *smirks* You know what I'm talking about......Rowen!

Wendy: *blush*

Carla: She is too young for that sort of stuff

Me: She is too young for that sort of stuff

Carla: What was that?!

Me: Nothing

Lucy/Levy: *giggles*

-1 hour later-

Natsu: We've arrived, how I love the ground *kisses the floor* Disgusting

Gajeel: *laughs*

Natsu: What are you laughing at?!

Gajeel: You

Natsu: *pushes his head into the ground*

Gajeel: *puts a bandage over his head* Safkkllkgdcb! Ibgahnvky! (I just typed in random letters)

Lucy: What was that?

Natsu: I know what you're saying....Salamander! I hate you! He said that Erza looks like a troll

Erza: What?! *beats up Gajeel*

Gajeel: *tries to glare at Natsu but ends up making a weird face*

Levy: Poor Gajeel

Me: We're here

Erza: Where are the monsters?

Mayor: They always come out at night so you'll all have to wait till then

Erza: Okay, thank you

-At night-

Natsu: I can smell them

Gajeel: They're close....there! *points to a gigantic beast with long nails, razor sharp teeth and an ugly face*

Gray: Ice make lance!

Erza: Requip! Heaven's wheel!

Natsu: I'm gonna defeat it before you!

Gajeel: Oh no you're not!

Natsu/Gajeel: *argues*

Erza: *knocks them out* What? It's better this way

Gray: *sigh* Those two will never learn

Lucy: Open! Gate of the lion! Leo!

Loke: You look beautiful as usual

Lucy: Stop flirting and help defeat that ugly beast!

Me: *laughs*

Wendy: Sky dragon's roar!

Carla: Don't tire yourself too much, Wendy

Me: I'm bored

Happy: You could always play cards with me and Carla

Me: Oh okay *starts playing*

Gray: Help us, will you?!

Happy/Carla/Me: *keeps playing*

-On the train after the mission-

Erza: You guys were a great help *sarcasm*

Me: S-sorry

Gray: *puts an arm around my shoulder* Don't worry about it, it's already finished

Me: *smiles* What happened to Natsu and Gajeel?

Erza: Oh no, we left them at that town

Lucy/Levy: Oh no, my Natsu/Gajeel

Me: *cough Nalu, Gale cough*

Happy: I'll go get them

Me: Will you be able to carry two people?

Happy: Yeah, Gajeel's lighter than Lucy, I think

Lucy: Shut it cat!

Happy: *flys off*

Me: *falls asleep on Gray's shoulder*

-At the guild-

Me: We're back!

Jet: Was it successfully?

Me: Yes, absolutely

Natsu/Gajeel: *glares at me*

Jet: Oh good, we made a victory song *clears throat and sings* Jingle bells, jingle bells-

Me: It's not Christmas

Jet: Oh sorry *sings* Yay, they won, yay, they won *keeps repeating that*

Everyone: *falls asleep*

Jet: Done

Me: Oh what? I wasn't asleep

Droy: Sorry but that song was probably the most boring one that I've ever heard

Jet: Whatever

Me: See you in chapter 11

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