Chapter 17

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Me: Hi everyone

Natsu: Are we back to the dares?

Me: Yeah but someone *cough Saee cough* wanted me to give out a dare that isn't that good (no offence fairyfreemaid) and a dare that is way worse

Gray: What are they?

Me: The first dare is that you go on a date with her. She has a crush on you and the second dare is that I go on a date with Franmalth

Gray: S-she likes me?

Me: Yeah

Gray: I refuse to let you go on a date with that creep

Franmalth: Who're you calling a creep?

Me: He is a creep

Saee: Come on Gray, let's go

Gray: But- *is dragged out by Saee*

Me: Bye......Gray

Franmalth: Let's go and get this over with

Erza: I'm coming with you. There's no knowing what he'll do *glares at him*

Jellal: Then I'm coming along too

Me: Thanks

Erza: For what?

Me: For coming, I don't want to be stuck alone with him

Franmalth: You know that I'm still here right?

Me: Yeah but to be honest, I'd rather go on a date with Loke than with offence

Franmalth: Grrrrr

Loke: Hey, did you call me?

Me: No, I didn't call you, I was merely saying your name in a sentence

Loke: I'm coming as well

Me: Why?

Loke: Because I'm better than Mr. Ugly over there

Franmalth: Hey! I heard that

Me: No, you aren't coming, sorry

Loke: But then you'll be stuck with that creep

Me: I have Erza and Jellal with me so I'm gonna be fine, I think *weak smile* Bye. But I still wish Gray was here

-In the marketplace-

Me: Why did you take us here?

Franmalth: I just wanted to get some groceries

Me: You get groceries?!

Franmalth: Obviously

Erza/Jellal: *secretly laughs*

Franmalth: Come on, I need to meet an old friend

Me: What kind of old are you talking about?

Franmalth: A childhood friend

Erza: Wait *gets strawberry cake* Now we can go

Jellal: Hehe, typical Erza

-In an abandoned neighbourhood-

Me: *gulp* W-why would your friend be at a place like this?

Franmalth: He isn't

Me: What do you mean?

Franmalth: I've come here to take revenge on Fairy Tail by killing you three first

Me: B-but Erza can beat you

Franmalth: I don't just have a curse power, I somehow learnt lightning and fire magic

Me: But Erza and Jellal doing a unison raid could beat you

Franmalth: But what if I said that I learnt lightning and fire dragon slayer magic

Me: You did?!

Franmalth: I got lacrima planted inside me

Me: *gulp*

Erza: Eden, step back.

Me: *obeys and hides behind a tree*

Franmalth: *attacks them with a lightning and fire dragon's roar combined*

Jellal: *shields Erza*

Erza: Jellal!

Me: *helps Jellal hide somewhere*

Jellal: help...Erza

Me: You need to rest

Erza: *tries to defeat Franmalth*

Natsu: I'm all fired up!

Erza: When did you get here?

Natsu: Oh, I was just looking for you guys

Me: Jellal, don't worry, I'm sure Natsu can defeat him

Natsu: Lightning flame dragon mode..... Lightning flame dragon's roar!

Franmalth: *eats it* Fire dragon's roar!

Natsu: *eats it*

Me: I sorta take that back, they're just gonna keep eating each other's magic.....unless....

Jellal: Unless what?

Me: Natsu! You're gonna switch magic with Gray!

Natsu: What?!

Me: Just use it!

Natsu: Ice make arrow!

Franmalth: *grunts*

Natsu: Ice impact! Ice make cannon!

Franmalth: I'm not gonna lose!

Natsu: But you're not attacking

Franmalth: Lightning dr-

Natsu: Rage of the ice demon!

Franmalth: *is defeated*

Me: You can have your magic now

Natsu: Yes! It was getting really cold, I don't know how Gray can even survive it

Erza: Jellal, are you okay?

Jellal: *smiles and touches her cheek* I'm fine

-Back at the guild-

Me: You're back?

Gray: Yeah but for some weird reason, I got Natsu's dragon slayer magic and it was boiling. I couldn't stand it

Me: *nervous laugh* Sorry about that

Gray: About what?

Me: Nothing, anyway how was your date?

Saee: It was okay, I guess

Gray: How was yours?

Me: It was terrible, we almost got killed

Gray: Grrrr, that one eyed freak

Me: But Natsu saved us

Gray: Oh, for once he actually got there on time

Natsu: Hey!

Evie: You forgot to include me in this chapter!

Me: Don't care, bye reader-chans....for now

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