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(A/N): Sorry for not updating yesterday, I had homework and I had to pack my stuff for camp.

To Saee/Fairyfreemaid: I won't be able to add your dares until after the ship chapters, sorry

Lucy's POV

I got out of bed and went into the bathroom. Oh no! I looked like a zombie! Those stupid nightmares....I seriously couldn't sleep these days.


I found myself in a forest clearing, surrounded by a bunch of wild flowers. Where was this place? Who was that?... Wait, was that Natsu?

"Natsu! Over here!"
He came over to me and said, "I'm breaking up with you. I don't love you, never did and never will. Just don't interfere with my life again."

He walked off. What? Was what he just said true? Tears formed in my eyes. I-I loved him but he only faked it. I cried my heart out.

~A few minutes later~

I went to the guild and saw Natsu...sitting with Lisanna on his lap. I felt myself burn with rage. She was one of my best friends and she betrayed me?! I saw them kiss and noticed real love in Natsu's eyes. Before I could go over to them, I was stopped by master.

"Come to my office," he said. We both walked there. He closed the door.
"I have decided to expel you from the guild."
"What?! Why?!" Why was this happening to me?!
"Because I just can't endanger the guild. You are always wanted and we're getting tired of protecting you," he replied.
"But isn't Fairy Tail supposed to care and treat each other as family?!"
"Yes...but we've changed. Goodbye Lucy."

I ran out crying but glanced one more time at Natsu before leaving the guild...forever. I went to my apartment but was suddenly stabbed in the stomach. I couldn't stand the pain...I turned around and one.

~Later that day~

I had died. I was now a ghost. I never did find out who killed me. Why was my life so cursed? It got even worse... Nobody seemed to remember who I was...

~Nightmare end~

I had a quick shower and changed into my new outfit. I did my hair and make up carefully. After I finished, I went to the guild.

~At the guild~

"Good morning," Mira greeted.
"Good morning, Mira." I then found myself being lifted off the ground.
"Natsu, put me down!" He just smiled and put me on his lap.
"Um Natsu?"
"What it is?" he asked.
"Do me?"
"Of course I do. Why would you think otherwise?" he asked with worry.
"'s just that...I've been getting these nightmares. You hate me and love Lisanna, Fairy Tail abandoned me, I was killed and nobody remembered me." Something slid down my cheek, I touched it. I was...crying. He wiped my tears away.
"Don't worry Luce, I could never hate you and I promise you, we will never abandon you." He hugged me. I hid my face in his chest.

Natsu's POV

I would never let anyone hurt my Lucy and if they did - which was unlikely to happen because I'd be protecting her - I would never forgive them.

"Hey Lucy, wait here, I'll be back soon.

She nodded. I kissed her cheek. She was so cute when she blushed. I went to a special place to make something special for someone special in my life.

Lucy's POV

After Natsu left, I went over to sit with Levy.

"Hey, what's that book?"
"Oh hi, it's 'Little Women'," she replied. (Yes, I have read this book but forgot what it's about *nervous laugh*)
"Cool, one of the classics."
"Hey shrimp, whatcha doin'?" Gajeel asked.
"Don't call me shrimp!" Levy demanded.

I laughed. When I was about to get a drink, a loud explosion was heard outside the guild. Everyone rushed outside to see what it was. Natsu was fighting two other people. They looked like they had...water and ice dragon slayer magic! And they looked evil.

"I will never let you take away Lucy!"

Natsu's POV

"I will never let you take away Lucy!"
"It's our master's orders to bring him Lucy Heartfilia no matter what we do to have to get her," one of them replied.
"He said he wanted her alive but it doesn't matter how much we injure her or anyone else," the other added. They were gonna hurt my Luce? Not. A. Chance.
"Fire dragon's iron fist!" They somehow dodged that rather easily.
"Water dragon's raging ocean!" There was a big flood and the currents were strong. Luckily Gray froze it.

~A few minutes later~

These guys were strong. Erza and Mira actually did a unison raid but they didn't take that much damage. I would protect Lucy even if it cost me my life!

Lucy's POV

Everyone was fighting...for me and they weren't winning. I had no choice but to give myself in. I walked up to the front.

"Stop! I will let go with you...just stop hurting my family!" They all stopped.
"Are you crazy?! Don't do that! I will never forgive myself if you did that!" Natsu shouted. A sword went through my heart. I was gonna die. Natsu caught me before I fell.
"You can't die on me Luce!" he demanded.
"I'm sorry...everyone. I love you Natsu, always did and...always will..." I felt my life fading away.

Natsu's POV

"Lucy!" She was dead. That. Got. Me. Mad.
"How could you kill her?!"
"Well, we didn't actually need her, only a sample of her blood..." I attacked them with all I had, same with everyone else...and we won. I stomped away.

~In a forest clearing~

I held the necklace with a rose made out of Rose Quartz in my hand. It was a present for Lucy. Lucy was dead. Those two words kept replaying in my mind. I would never forgive them!! The love of my life...was taken away from me. I have sworn to her that I would protect her...but I broke that promise. How could I ever forgive myself? I cried silently.

Lucy's POV

I woke up from that nightmare and found myself still wrapped in Natsu's arms. I snuggled closer and surprisingly didn't have any nightmares for the rest of the night.

(A/N): If you don't know what happened, that was all Lucy's dream/nightmare. That first nightmare was a nightmare within her nightmare, hope that makes sense.

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