Chapter 22

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Me: Hi-

Makarov: We're going to Ryuuzetsu Land

Me: What about my dares?

Makarov: Save them for next time

Me: ........

Saee: Aren't you excited?

Me: Meh

Evie: It'll be really fun, I can't wait to get there

Lucy: Here, I got you all a swimsuit *gives them to us*

Saee/Evie/Me: Um.....thanks. This is way too revealing

Lucy: *smiles* You're welcome

-Timeskip to after getting to the train station-

Natsu: I don't want to go on a train *cries dramatically*

Wendy: I'll cast Troia on you so don't worry *does the spell*

Natsu: Thanks Wendy, I love trains

Gajeel: Who wants to listen to a song that I wrote myself?

Everyone: No one!

Laxus: *feels sick*

Me: Are you okay?

Laxus: I'm....fine

Wendy: Oh, I'm so sorry Laxus, I forgot to cast Troia on you-

Carla: Don't exhaust yourself too much

Me: You don't have to do it Wendy

Wendy: But-

Me: I can fix it

Laxus: How?- I feel better

Me: See

Laxus: How'd you do that?

Me: Easy, I'm the author-

Gajeel: Yeah, we know, Miss know-it-all

Me: Geez, no need to be rude

Gajeel: Whatever

Gray: *falls asleep and bonks his head on the window* Oww *falls back asleep but his head falls on my shoulder*

Me: ........

Gray: *unconsciously hugs me like a pillow*

Me: Help, I can't move

Saee/Evie: *laughs*

Lucy: *giggles*

Natsu: Hey Lucy, is it okay if I lay on your lap?

Lucy: *blush* S-sure

Natsu: *falls asleep immediately*

Evie: *laughs at me*

Me: Hey, don't laugh

Saee: But it's funny

Me: *nudges Gray* Wake up

Gray: *wakes up* .......*blush* Sorry

Saee/Evie: *laughing their heads off*

Gray/Me: *glares at them*

Gray: *falls back asleep on my shoulder but doesn't hug me like a pillow*

Lucy: *nudges me* Look at Erza and Jellal

Me: Awww, she's sleeping on Jellal. I have strawberry cake

Erza: *immediately wakes up* Where?!

Me: Nowhere

Erza: *falls back asleep like nothing happened*

Lucy/Me: *laughs*

Natsu: *sleeptalks*

Me: *smirks at her*

Lucy: *blushes really red*

-Timeskip to after arriving in Ryuuzetsu Land*

Me: That train ride was taking forever

Saee: Quit whining

Me: But-

Gray: *gives me a lolly*

Me: Ooooh, thanks *eats it*

Gray: *chuckles*

Natsu: Come on Lucy, let's go *grabs Lucy's hand and runs off*

Evie: Hey guys, I think we're the only ones left standing here

Gray: Hey um, I hope you don't mind...but I'm gonna go with Lyon for a while

Me: Oh okay

Saee: What are we-

Evie: Cute stuff! *runs off to a shop that sells cute stuff*

Saee: I'm gonna go get some snacks

Me: Okay

Saee: *goes to a nearby restaurant*

Me: What am I gonna do?

Angel/Solano: Hello

Me: Oh hi

Cobra/Erik: What are you doing here?

Me: What does it look like I'm doing?

Midnight/Macbeth: Standing around doing nothing

Me: Well..yeah but-

Racer/Sawyer: Hey

Hoteye/Richard: Love

Me: *checks messages on phone* I uh have to go, see ya

Angel: Bye *waves*

Me: *waves and runs off*

Evie: What took you so long?!

Me: Sorry, it was a very long way

Evie: Whatever

Me: So....what was the very urgent emergency?

Evie: I need to borrow some of your money

Me: Why?

Evie: I spent all of mine on other stuff

Me: Grrrrr *gives her 5 cents* Bye *runs off*

Saee: Where were you?! I was looking for you everywhere

Me: Oh, I was with Evie

Saee: Here, I got you some-

Me: Takoyaki! *eats it all*

Saee: That was fast...and sorta unexpected

Gray: I'm back, come on *grabs my hand* Sorry Saee, I need her for a bit

Saee: It's fine

Me: Where are we going?

Gray: On a water slide

Me: *gulp*

Gray: Don't worry, it'll be fun

-Timeskip to after going on lots of rides-

Gray: So, how was it?

Me: *fake cries* It was scary.....but also a bit fun

Gray: Let's head back

Me: Wait *gets cotton candy* Now we can go

Gray: *smiles*

-At the guild-

Sting: That was so fun

Me: Since when did you get here?

Sting: It's a secret

Evie: No it isn't, you were bugging me the whole time

Saee/Me: *laughs*

Me: See ya in chapter 23

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