Chapter 42

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Me: Hey guys

Saee: Pleeeease do my dare

Me: Okay okay

Saee: Yay

Lucy: What is her dare?

Me: It's to add someone named Sebastian

Lucy: Is he one of your friends?

Me: No, he's from another anime

Saee: I wish he was my friend *fangirl mode*

Me: *no comment*

(A/N): Please don't hate me if I get this wrong, I know a lot of people like him. My sister did tell me that he's charming, organised, mysterious, protective and the all knowing. I'll try my best👍

Saee: *brings him to the guild and starts fangirling*

Me: Can someone calm her down?

Lucy: Not sure it's possible

Sebastian: Well, this a surprise and who might you be?

Me: This is Fairy Tail and I seriously can't be bothered introducing everyone here

Sebastian: I knew that I would be brought here someday

Lucy: Um.....if you don't mind me asking, what are you?

Sebastian: I'm a demon

Saee: Omg! Can I have your autograph?!

Sebastian: Of course *signs a piece of paper and gives it to her*

Me: Um Saee, are you okay?

Saee: *dreamy eyes* Yeah......

Sebastian: I need to go back now, young master will need me

Saee: *brings Ciel to the guild* No need

Me: Okay, while Saee's keeping them company, I'll just do the other dares. I have 3 dares from xXFrankenHeartXx

Lucy: What are they?

Me: She dares Happy to give Carla a fish and she has to accept it and at least take a bite out of it, she can cook it if she'd prefer it that way

Happy: Carla! I got you a fish just like the dare said

Carla: *sighs* Mira, would you mind cooking this?

Mira: Sure

Me: You're actually gonna eat it?!

Carla: There's no point in arguing since its a dare

Mira: Here *puts the cooked fish in front of Carla*

Carla: *hesitantly takes a bite*

Happy: Yes! I've accomplished my task of giving Carla a fish!

Me: The second dare is that Freed and Laxus have to switch clothes

Freed: Laxus!

Laxus: No

Me: But-

Laxus: Just no

Me: *uses magic to switch their clothes*

Freed: I-I'm wearing Laxus's clothes?!

Laxus: *grunts*

Lucy: Um Eden?

Me: Yeah?

Lucy: I think you switched everyone else's clothes as well

Me: *looks at the people with their clothes switched* Who cares?

Natsu/Gray: I care! I don't want to wear this idiot's clothes!

Me: Ugh, fine if it will stop your arguing

Gajeel/Levy: *blush*

Mira: Aww, you two look cute

Gajeel: Whatever

Levy: I-it's not my f-fault we're wearing e-each other clothes!

Me: The last dare is that Bacchus has to Cana on a date

Cana: Alright! Alcohol drinking contest, here I come

Me: You two aren't allowed to drink any alcohol

Bacchus/Cana: ..........

-On their date-

Cana: *sits there drinking water*

Bacchus: *sucks on a lolly*

Gildarts: *throws a pebble at them* Hurry up and get to the kissing!

Cana: *blush* Dad!

Bacchus: *cracks knuckles* I'm ready to beat up your old man

Cana: I doubt you can

Bacchus: I haven't even tried

Cana/Bacchus: *works together to get back at Gildarts*

Gildarts: *beats them*

-Back at the guild-

Mira: How was your date?

Cana: Unexpected

Me: So, how has your time been?

Saee: Great!

Me: Oooh, that looks good *takes some food*

Ciel: It is rude to take other people's food

Me: What did you expect? It's Fairy Tail

Ciel: Like I care

Me: Anyway, this is good

Sebastian: Thank you

Me: You cooked it?!

Saee: Uh duh

Me: What were you guys doing anyway?

Saee: Talking and eating

Lucy: Wow, that's it?

Saee: Yeah

Me: Hmm.....

Saee: What?

Me: I was just thinking........ Who would be a better cook, Sebastian or Watanuki?

Saee: Who's that?

Me: A boy that is a very good cook, he can see spirits. The anime's XxxHolic

Saee: Oh, that one

Lucy: I'm confused

Saee: I'm sure Sebastian's better

Me: Well then, I vote for Watanuki

Ciel: You do know that it's rude to talk about someone when they're right here......right?

Saee: Eden thinks you're rude

Ciel: *rolls his eyes*

Me: Whatever, bye reader-chans, see you in the next chapter

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