Chapter 23

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Me: Hello

Evie: What are we doing today?

Me: Dares

Evie: And?

Me: More dares

Evie: And?

Me: Maybe truths

Evie: Is that it?

Me: Yeah basically.....wait, we will have visitors but if they're not behaving themselves, I'll have to send them back

(A/N): I'll be doing a Fairy Tail and Diabolik Lovers crossover for this chapter, hope you'll like it

Saee: Who are they?

Me: They're um.....

Cobra: Who are the Saka-what?

Me: Stay out of my thoughts! *kicks him out*

Me: They're the Sakamaki brothers

Evie/Saee: *spits out water* What?!

Lucy: Who are they?

Me: They're vampires but if I need to, I'll take away their thirst for blood

Everyone: *gulp*

Me: Don't worry, we'll handle this, right guys?

Evie: Can't be bothered to

Me: You can't be bothered to do anything! Just like Shu

Saee: Um....

Me: You have to help, you could get closer to Mr Sleephead

Saee: *blush* But-

Me: I'll take that as a yes

Lucy: When are they coming?

Me: Anytime now

-1 hour later-

Me: Come out already!

Ayato: Alright, as punishment, I need your blood

Me: *puts tape over his mouth*

Kanato: I want candy...don't you too, Teddy?

Shu: Too noisy *falls asleep on the floor*

Laito: B-

Me: Do not say it!

Subaru: What are we doing here?

Me: Haven't I told you?

Subaru: *punches the wall* Answer my question

Reiji: Such bad manners.....

Some girls: *fangirling*

Me: Don't you dare drink Levy's blood!

Ayato: Tch

Me: *throws him a dummy* There's blood inside. in tomato juice

Ayato: *drinks its blood and spits it back out* What is this?!

Me: *smirks* Tomato juice

Ayato: *teleports next to me and grabs my arm*

Me: Let me go

Ayato: Not until I- .....why don't I desire for your blood anymore?

Me: I just took it'll come back when you arrive back in your mansion

Laito: Then what-

Me: Normal food

Lucy: *senses the tension* about we do some dares?

Fairy Tail - Truth or Dare (Mostly dares)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang