Chapter 6

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Me: Hey everyone

Lucy: What took you so long?! Gray was missing you

Gray/Me: *blush*

Happy: He looooves her

Gray: Shut up or I'll turn you into my new jumper

Happy: *gulp* A-aye

Me: Lucy, can you please call Plue?

Lucy: Yeah sure. Open! Gate of the dog constellation, Nikora!

Plue: *shakes*

Lucy: Why do you need him?

Me: ...... *hugs Plue* Omg! You are so cute!

Lucy/Gray: *sweatdrops* Seriously?!

Me: Yep, I also have a dare for almost everyone. I dare you guys to act in a play!

Everyone: ......What?!

Me: Do it or else

Natsu: Or else what?

Erza: *scary mode on*

Natsu: *in a Happy voice* Aye sir!

-Timeskip to after the practicing-

Me: Lights, camera, action!

Natsu: Princess Trollface, I have come to kidnap you

Lucy: Since when did I become Princess Trollface! uh I mean, oh my, where's my prince?

Gray: I, Prince Charming (I felt like writing that), have come to save you

Natsu: Well, Prince Chicken, you won't beat me

Gray: Prince Chicken?! I mean, I'll do anything for Princess Trollface

Laxus: Don't you forget me, Princess Trollface's brother Garsona (Yeah, I know, really weird name), you kidnapper

Natsu: I'll just call for more help, Garbage man

Laxus: Garbage man?!

Natsu: Miss Fancypants!

Mira: Since when did I become Miss Fancypants?....

Lucy: I have a guardian, Loke!

Loke: Need help?

Natsu: Loggie?!

Loke: It's not Loggie!

Natsu: More people are coming...

Erza: So you're what's causing the trouble

Natsu: Xavier, you've arrived

Erza: That's a boy's name, idiot

Gray: So that's your name.... Idiot

Natsu: Whatever, let the battle begin!

-Timeskip to after the battle-

Gray: *pants* I...have ...won *faints just like every other person*

Lucy: Whatever

Me: Great show guys, loved the names

Gray: Hey, it was Natsu's fault

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