A year

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MIKA and I managed to paint the room pretty well and once we were done, we succeeded in our attempted to replace the carpet.

Soon the baby's room was furnished and ready however the cot was in our room. The baby was to be sleeping there for the first months so that we could keep and eye on them.

The summer break passed and I was pleased to not be back to schooling though it wasn't bad with Sam there. He had become our friend and we made him promise to stay in contact.

Almost a month had passed before my birthday but the release party was making that time stressful. I didn't want to go for all the hours of questions and the amount of people that would be there. Some people didn't even know who MIKA was at his party but they turned up anyway.

My husband bought me a ukulele for my birthday.

When I got him his, I started to play it and teach him but didn't have one of my own for leaving it at my mums house. It's most likely long gone by now along with all of my other belongings.

We sat together and played our instruments for hours as we took our attention from all the bad in the world. A few songs in, we started improvising and somehow produced a sort of medley with multiple different songs that we wrote on the spot.

"I don't get it" I said once the song came to a close.

"What? MIKA looked at me, clearly confused

"I never could write songs; at least not good ones, but as soon as I started making music to you, it just happened. We just made up that whole song. If someone had asked me to write before I met you, it would have taken me weeks just to choose the chords"

He grinned widely but didn't say anything.

After a minute, he started laughing.

"What?" I questioned.


"What about me?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

MIKA paused before speaking. "I love you so much"

"Oh. That's a shame isn't it because I don't love you at all. I don't know why I asked to to be my boyfriend or my husband. I also have no clue why I'm having a kid with you." I joked, standing up and leaving to the kitchen.

He just laughed and followed me in. I put the kettle on and stood by it while the water boiled. MIKA come up behind me and wrapped his arms around me, fiddling with my watch.

The silver watch on my wrist was the one that he had given me for our engagement. It was an exact match to the one I had given him.

"See this" he whispered in reference to my watch.

I nodded

"This is a symbol of our love. So is this" he held my ring

Again, I nodded.

"You can't say that you don't love me because on both of our wrists and both of our forth fingers, we wear things that say otherwise. That said, I expect a reply to this: I love you Ross Penniman"

I pushed myself back into him and absorbed his warmth. "I love you too Micheal Penniman"

"You never call me Michael" he commented

"Do you want me to?"

"Maybe. I'm used to you calling me MIKA but that is sort of just a stage name."

"It's what I've always called you so it's more familiar to me I guess but calling you Michael is more... Personal"

"You choose"

"Well I think I'll call you Michael but, depending on what we both think, it could change back"

He chuckled but this was more serious to me then to him. Being called by a name that you don't feel is yours most of your life, makes names more important to me. I don't want what I call someone to make them uncomfortable.

We got into our suits and went to the party. I had many many questions to answer but Michael wasn't far from me the whole time so I stayed calm. He joined me for some interviews and had some questions of his own but we survived.

There were a few questions on the wedding and kids and that sort of thing but we stayed vague. Who knows what could come from just saying that we have a child on the way? Media can do mad things and the safety of mini Penniman couldn't be put at risk at all.

After a long day of celebration, we finally startled down and got to bed.

"It's been a year since I met you." I reminded Michael.

"I know. We've been through so much and there's so much more to come."

"I love you more everyday"

"I love you too baby. More than I can explain"

I moved to his ear and said "same effect"

He squeezed me into him tightly "goodnight my birthday king"

I kissed him gently before I fell asleep.

I had to edit this a little and repost it because calling him Michael didn't last two seconds. I forgot straight away and went back to calling him MIKA.

I'm smart like that.

Ok that's all.


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