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"Good morning" I kissed MIKA as soon as he opened his eyes.

It was 11am and we had only just woken up seeing as it was New Year's Day and e hadn't slept until the small hours of this morning.

"Hey" he responded by striking my cheek gently.

"We should probably get up. It's 11 and we have guests that are probably waiting for us." I sat up and put on my dressing gown before handing MIKA his and pulling his sleepy body out of bed.

He groaned cheekily but obeyed.

"Good morning you two" Luna greeted when we walked into the kitchen. She was siting with Paloma at the table while Fortune served some breakfast that he had cooked.

"Good morning. How long have you been up for? You all seem so awake unlike MIKA here" I laughed as MIKA stuck his tongue out at me and sat down to eat the food that Fortune had given him.

"Hours and hours" fortune joked.

"Actually not that long. We only woke up about half an hour ago!" Paloma sighed at his brothers sarcastic tone.

It was amazing to have mine and MIKA's family getting along so well. It was a great relief to me because I wasn't sure how things would turn out. It was also amazing how everyone reacted to the engagement. That was another of my concerns.

"Max, Sasha and Curtis are coming over for lunch and then they will be leaving for their homes." I informed MIKA as I joined him at the table.

"We'll go after lunch as well seeing as we need to actually do some work!" Paloma added.

MIKA nodded and struggled to keep his eyes open and his face off his plate. I rubbed his back and tried to contain a laugh. He was so cute when he was tired. Just like a little kid.

I think MIKA is actually a small child in a mans body. He was never grown up (except all the way he acted to wards me with the kissed and things but that's beside the point!). The wedding will be interesting with the speeches and things. Wish me luck!

We all sat and ate our food quietly. As soon as MIKA had finished, he pulled my arm around him and rested his head on my shoulder. I decided to just let him, even though I knew he would most likely fall asleep. It's happened before.

Fortune was being super helpful and he tidied up and I pried him off the seat to carry him back to our bedroom. He was fast asleep so I carefully tucked him back into bed and let him sleep while I silently got dressed and ready.

I joined the others back in the living room to see that they were dressed and ready too.

"I'm going to. Let him sleep until Max, Curtis and Sasha get here. He's knocked out from last night and would probably just sleep out here if we forced him out." I sat with Fortune and spoke to him while the girls had their own conversation

"I think that's a good idea. I know for a fact that he could sleep anywhere in the state he was in at the table. Years of experience would prove me right" he chuckled.

"So this is common for him then?" He had only been like this once before that I could recall in all the months we had been together.

He sighed and answered my question "when he was first doing shows, he would be asleep slumped against the wall backstage. He's a strange one is MIKA!"

A knock on the door stopped us after a while and pulled us out of conversation. I hopped up and let the three in. They took a seat as I left to wake MIKA.

"Hey baby, they're here. Do you want to get up?" I opened the bedroom door and exposed his tired eyes to the light.

"No. I don't wanna" he stripped like a toddler comically.

"Well then. You've left me with no other option" I smirked, sat on the bed by him, placed my hands on his body and tickled.

He screams loudly but I continued. He would be awake now! *insert evil laugh here*

He tried to kick me off of him but I just gripped tighter until he gave up and sat up to kiss me before getting out of bed. He got out some clothes and pulled them on.

"Let's go" he pulled me out of the room and straight away began to talk to our friends.

After an hour or so, we ate some lunch and said goodbye to Paloma, Fortune, Curtis, Sasha and Max.

"See you soon" MIKA and I waved from the front door as they pulled away and we were left alone with Luna.

"Let's go to a theme park!" I grinned at Luna.

She cheered and we both turned to MIKA to see his hilarious pouting face.

"I hate them though" he whispered

"You scared?" I giggled

He nodded shyly.

"I'm here to hold your hand. Come on... For me" I lifted his chin to make him look up from the ground and into my eyes.

"Fine. Only for you though"

"YAY! Thanks baby. Let's go!" I cheered and hugged him tight before we grabbed our phones and some money.

We all hopped in the car and headed out for the day. I was so proud of MIKA for saying yes! This is going to be so much fun!

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