Our place.

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When MIKA and I pulled up to my mum's house, I wasn't scared. We walked up to the door together and I took out my keys. I started to turn them in the lock but became hesitant. I wasn't completely sure wether or not my mum would be there. I hoped... wished that she wasn't.

I felt a warm hand on my back and it made me realise why I was doing this in the first place. I didn't want to be alone anymore. I loved someone who loved me back and I was going to live with him because of that reason. He made me feel safe and wanted and, as we always said, I have the same effect on him.

With that thought and the reassurance of having MIKA there, I turned the key in the lock and opened the door.

We stepped inside and I took his hand and led him straight up the stairs.

It was cold and dark in the house but I ignored it. I pulled MIKA into my old bedroom and took out an old suitcase. I stuffed in my clothes. I then took out a large box and placed it next to the now packed suitcase.

I wrote a note and put it on my door before taking my suitcase, MIKA taking the box, and leaving my room. 

As we came down the stairs, I realised that we hadn't spoken since getting out of the car. I guess it just didn't feel right. There was nothing to say; we had said it all in the car on the way. We just had each other's backs and were there for each other. The only thing I could think of saying was-

"I love you Ross" MIKA whispered as we left the house and closed the door behind us.

"I love you too, so much MIKA. Words cannot explain."I answered as we got into the car, after having put my things in the back.

He turned in his seat to face me.

"Same effect" he whispered

"Same effect" I whispered back

We kissed each other with all the love we carried and when we slowed down, he smiled into the kiss. I smiled back before he pulled away.

"Let's get back to our place. I'll cook some food and we'll have a date night at home. Sound good?" He asked still smiling wildly.

"You tell me. Date night at our place."

"Nah. I think it sounds better than good. It sounds amazing!" He exclaimed.

I took one last look at he house as we pulled away. I had a lot of memories in that house, good, bad and in between, but I was sad to leave. I loved my boyfriend, don't get me wrong, but this was my home for all my life. It kept me safe when I needed it.

Just as we turned the corner, a car pulled up outside the house and my mum got out. I never told MIKA but I just smiled to myself and looked forward to going to my real home.


"You might need to let go of my hand!" MIKA nudged me.

I shook my head sleepily.

"Well I wanted to get you all moved in and have our date night but clearly that's not going to happen!" He sarcastically shrugged but before be had finished I had let go of his hand, had undone my seatbelt and was halfway out of the car.

"Come on then slowcoach!" I complained back just as sarcastically as he had done.

We took my things back up to the house and I started to put my things away while MIKA cooked the dinner.

Once I came into the kitchen, I could smell the food and I was hungry after all that had happened at school and then all the things with me moving in.

"Smells wonderful baby" I stood at the door before realising that while I had been in the bedroom, he had lit candles all around the dining table. "Also looks wonderful! Wow!" I stuttered growing speechless.

"Just like you then!" He responded, just loud enough that I could hear.

We sat at the table and began to eat. I felt so much more calm than I had last time we sat there together. So much had happened today and this was just what we needed.


We had finished all the food and were sitting on our bed together, kissing and cuddling and staring into each other's eyes.

His eyes grew more stressed and then he spoke "Ross, you have trusted me with so much so I think it's time that I trust you with something" he held my hand sending tingles through my whole body.

"Anything baby." I looked into his eyes as they became more comfortable and confident.

He told me how he struggled as a child with all that he went through. We talked about it until the room grew dark and I couldn't see his face very well anymore. We both became quiet and just pulled each other as close as possible to comfort one another and show how much we cared.

After a while I knew that he wasn't asleep yet so I asked if he was ok.

"I couldn't be better. Thank you for moving in with me and for being so brave earlier. I know it was hard to tell the school who you really are but I want to get things sorted for you so that you can be as happy as possible." He whispered into the darkness, pushing my hair off my face and stroking it gently.

I stayed silent for a minute so he continued

"While we were there though, I was thinking how we hadn't talked enough about your transition. I want to know what you want to do about surgeries and hormones and things" he spoke this time as he sat up and pulled me up too so that he could pull me between his legs and cuddle me from behind.

We talked again for hours about my transition and what I wanted but naturally the conversation evolved and we didn't stop talking all night.

We both eventually said that we were hungry so we had breakfast before going back to bed.

"I'm glad that the school gave you time off" he smiled before his breathing steadied and he fell asleep with his face centimetres away from mine so I could feel his breathing. I felt relaxed by him and in no less than a minute, I was also in a deep sleep and dreaming about everything that we had talked about the night before.

Just so you guys know, me and my mum are really close in real life. None of it is true ( excepts the part about her not calling me he and Ross and stuff) I just added it to keep the story moving in a certain direction. Even though I'm not in this situation, I'm happy to talk if people need to.

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