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"You must be Ross" MIKA's mum smiled, releasing her son from her grip.

"I am" I shook her hand and invited her in before greeting MIKA's siblings. "Hey Fort, Paloma" I shook their hands too and turned to Yasmine and Zuleika. The only problem was, I didn't know who was who.

"Yasmine" she told me

"Zuleika" the other said.

"Lovely to meet you"

We all entered the living room and MIKA took his mothers bags into the spare room while I checked the meal. I took it out and served it up before laying the table and calling everyone in.

They all say down and handed the food around until everyone had a plate. We helped ourselves to vegetables and dug into the food.

There was lots of talk about the wedding and many questions directed to MIKA and I. We answered them all and I asked some questions of my own for everyone.

It was great to get to know his family. They were easy to get along with and I could tell that they were all lovely people. It was also great to get to know more about MIKA through them.

After a while, MIKA's mum told his siblings to let us sleep seeing as we had only just got back from tour. The four of them said goodbye and headed to their hotels for the night while his mum got ready for bed and said goodnight.

"I can't believe that we got back from tour today. We have done so much since then but we have even more to so tomorrow" MIKA spoke through the silence of our room.

"Yeah. It seems like almost days ago since we're on that plane." I agreed.

He nodded and sleepily kissed me. He snuggled his face into my neck and we both slept.


"Ross?" MIKA's mum asked over dinner.

"Yes" I looked up from my food to see a happy face.

"I know that things with your mum didn't go well so, if you want, you can talk to me as your mum and I will be there." She liked in my eyes with a welcoming smile.

I couldn't hold back the smile. That was  exactly what I needed; someone to be there for me as a mother rather than as my lover. I trusted MIKA with my life but sometimes I needed to talk to someone else. Also just having the reassurance that she was there for me made me feel good. "I would love that. Thank you... Mum"

She smiled wide. "Anytime... Son."

"Son?" MIKA burst into he kitchen after his shower and grabbed some breakfast.

"Yes. Not you. You'll find out at some point" mum sternly told MIKA.

His face grew into a fake pout. "Aw. But I want to know"

"Like she said: you will find out. I'll tell you later." I chuckled

He nodded and joined us at the table. "So the three of us, plus Max and Fort, are going to check out the place where the wedding will be."

"Yes. I have the decorations to sort and food orders to put in" mum added while she cleared away her breakfast.

"We have 'til the rehearsal the day after tomorrow to sort everything and be ready." MIKA said before I exited the room and got ready for the day.

We got most things organised in that day with the help of the best men and mum.

The service was to be short and small. It was starting at 3 and then we would have the service, then pictures, the meal, cake and the reception.

We had invited more people to the reception because we wanted the actual wedding to be small and intimate but there were people that we wanted to celebrate with after. It was all worked out and we were more prepared then most people thought.

The next day, we met up with people doing smaller parts like witnesses and the usher etc. and talked to them so that they knew what was happening. Not helped me to keep calm to know that things were in place and even if it went wrong, it was our day and people were there to make it extra special.  

Then came the last day before the marriage when we ran through everything. It was super exciting. I loved it and so did MIKA.

We went to bed peacefully and got a lot of rest, ready to go straight out in the morning and get neatened up with the best men.

My head danced with thoughts and dreams of the wedding and all that would happen. My mind was spinning but I was excited beyond belief.

MIKA had given me my watch for our engagement while we were on tour so I made sure that it was ready to take out for tomorrow.

We had chosen our rings together and given them to Fort already. They were his responsibility for the time being

Nerves twisted my stomach in my sleep but I knew that this was to be the best day of my life.

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