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The song played and we danced. Not like a normal first dance though, we did our own, more interesting, dance. It wasn't choreographed but it felt easy and flowed well.

Our chosen song was the one that we wrote on the first and second days that we spent together. It was upbeat and expressed a strange, almost hidden, meaning. If you really thought about the lyrics, you could tell that we liked each other. Strange how we wrote that as soon as we met seeing as everything was a secret then and the song was to go on MIKA's new album.

After a minute of dancing, I took mum by the hand and MIKA and I danced with her. We did the same with Fort, and Max. Soon most people there were dancing. I was still holding MIKA's hand and we were watching everyone jig about.

The song ended and the next one started. I looked to MIKA and he looked back at me, completely filling me with a warm, joyful feeling. You would think that I was used to it by now but I don't think that I'll ever get used to the way he makes me feel.

Hours passed in what felt like only seconds and it was soon pitch black outside. Quite a few people were leaving but our family and multiple friends were sill bouncing about and chatting. I had been separated from MIKA for a while as we talked to many different people.

Without warning or explanation, his arms were wrapped around me and he was carrying me upstairs to where we were staying. He slammed the door behind us and put me down, looking into my eyes.

He looked concerned but the worry left his eyes a little when I smiled at him. "Are you ok?" I asked

"Fortuné stopped my conversation and said that Curtis was seen around our guests so I grabbed you while Max, Fort and Sam checked the area." He panted after carrying me all the way here.

"We'll be ok. Why would he be here anyway?" I pushed his hair back into its quiff-like style from it's damp, droopy position.

"Judging by the last conversation we had with him, he'll be here either for you or for me. I know him, it won't be to apologise." His expression softened as he straightened out my waistcoat.

After a minute of peaceful silence and staring at one another, I asked when we would go back down. He told me that Fort would come and get us.

We sat on the bed, both of us wrapping our limbs around the other as we liked to. I took a deep breath as I processed today's happenings. MIKA did the same and I kissed his neck. He pulled me closer in response so I continued.

Give us a bad situation and we'll make it better. We still had 2 people at least on our case and out to get us. One was possibly walking among our friends and family below us, yet we were on our bed, tight in embrace while I kissed his neck.

A loud knock broke us apart and MIKA hopped up before slowly, cautiously opening the door. Fortuné stood with an amused look on his face at his brothers actions.

"He's not here. Apparently it was some sort of miscommunication so there's no need to worry." Fortuné smiled, turned and walked away.

I stood up and left the room, followed by MIKA. We re-entered the load room and said goodbye to a couple more people before dancing with Zuleika, Yasmine and her partner and Paloma. It was a good laugh as it was late and people were a little drunk by now.

1 am rolled around and everyone that was left headed out to the pool and barbecue/bonfire. Those who were also staying the night at the hotel upstairs, changed into swimming clothes however barely anyone actually swam.

MIKA and I grabbed some food and a seat while we continued to talk to various people.

It's much better when it's your own wedding. You know everyone there so it's easy conversation and you can be yourself. Everything that happened was what my husband and I wanted.

Mum and a few others that hadn't had the chance to give a speech, stood up and talked to the 10 or more people still there. It was nice to celebrate with such a select few in a calmer manner. I totally enjoyed that hour of calm and just talking.

At about 2 am, MIKA decided to go to bed so I joined him. We said goodnight to everyone and went upstairs. I admired my husband as he opened the door and held it for me.

I noticed him watching me just as intently as I was him. He didn't take his eyes off of my bare chest as be whispered "we should swim more often"

I laughed, knowing what he was getting at. "I agree... Or we should just not wear shirts from now on."

He nodded his head, wrapped his arms around me and leant in close whispering "I like that better". He then kissed me and we sat on the bed, still gently kissing one another.

"Hey husband" he smirked


"I love you"

I just pulled him back to me and pushed my lips onto his. 

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