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I opened my eyes and saw that MIKA had fallen asleep with his arm around me and my head on his chest. I closed my eyes again and tried to sleep but as I did this he started to wake up and wriggle.

I pretended to sleep to see what he would do but he just carefully sat up, looked at me for a minute and got up. Just as he was leaving, I let him know that I was awake by asking where he thought he was going and he turned around, shocked. I just laughed and pulled him back to me. He fell back onto the bed and tried to hold in his own laughter. Needless to say, it didn't work and we ended up almost in tears from laughing so hard.

"To answer your question sir, I was headed to go and make sure that today's plans are booked!" He smiled mischievously and tugged on my arm gently to tell me to follow him out to the kitchen.

He pointed towards the dining table and I went and sat down. I stayed quiet, thinking about school and what would happen once I had to go back.

I was still amazed that things had turned out the way that they had. Why did he like me? I was still in school while he had finished school a few years ago and was a famous singer/songwriter who toured the world.

"Ross! Are you ok? You haven't eaten your food?" A voice asked quietly as a warm hand stroked my shoulder. I felt a wave of electricity flow through my arm.

"Oh... I guess so." I said back quietly. I knew that I was not ok and I started to breathe heavily.

"Come here baby." He said. I could here the concern in his voice as he patted his lap.

I stood and ran my hands through my messy hair. I took two steps towards him and had to stop because I felt dizzy.

He held out his hand and helped me towards him. I tried to sit next to him but he just pulled me into his lap before I sat down.

He pulled me into his chest. I felt so warm and safe there. I just cried. I couldn't cope anymore. He didn't speak but tightened his grip letting me know that he would protect me.

After a few minutes I stopped crying but I was still panicking and breathing heavily.

"What's bothering you?" His soft voice whispered into my ear. I tensed up because I knew that he already had his problems to deal with and I was just adding to them with my worries. " I won't judge you. I just want to help." He whispered while pulling me closer if that was even possible.

"It's school. I can't go back. I can't do it. " I looked down.

"School still bothering you? I don't get why people can't just accept you for you."

"I'm strange to them. A joke. I don't see why they won't they just accept me as who I say I am like you did. I just want to show them that I'm not kidding. I'm serious that I'm a boy but I'm not on hormones yet and I still have to wear the girls uniform." I said letting the words flow out of me like rapids. I looked into MIKA's cute brown eyes as he listened to me ramble. I saw as he got upset.

After a long pause, he spoke "Let's sing about it! Here, get changed into this and let's go to the studio. I have a spare key" his face lit up and he threw me a colourful t-shirt and a pair of black jeans that were in his pile of clean clothes. I caught them and dashed into the bedroom to get my binder. I threw it on and put on the jeans that he had given me.

Just as I did the jeans up, MIKA walked in.

"Sorry I just need to grab some socks." He blurted before looking over at me. "what's that?" He nodded to my chest.

"It's my binder. It makes my chest look flat so that more people see me as a boy" I told him in simple terms. I was a little surprised at his question.

"Oh. I see. Der MIKA!" He seemed annoyed at himself as he started to hit his forehead with the palm of his hand.

"Hey it's ok!" I giggled pulling his hands away from his face.

"Sorry. I'm still learning. This is new to me" He whispered into my ear as his arms found their way around my back.

"It's new to me too. No one has ever cared about it before so it's the best feeling to know that I can talk to you. Thanks for caring!" I whispered back.

The next thing I knew, we were lying on the bed. He was on top of me, kissing me. I could feel the love radiating off of him. I felt his hands go to the bottom of the cotton that covered my binder but he stopped and brought his hands back up. "Sorry. Like I said, it's new to me. " he chuckled nervously and stood up reaching for my hand. He pulled me up and grabbed my shirt that was still laying on the side.

Once I was fully dressed and we both had shoes on, I put my arm around his waist and he put his arm around my shoulders. We walked out and headed to the studio to write a new song together.

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