Important things.

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I woke up to the sound of MIKA crying.

It was 5:00am and he was sat on the bed next to me, violently shaking once again so I sat up and wrapped my arms around him before resting my head on his shoulder.

"It's ok baby. I don't know what happened but I need you to know that I'm always here for you." I whispered loud enough so that he could hear me.

He leant back into me and cried uncontrollably.

After a while, he had began to calm down and he started to speak. "That phone call... It was your mum. She was shouting and asking where you were..." He began to sob but continued to talk "I t...told her that y... You are here..." He took a deep breath and after a minute he continued "she told me that you had to come home or she would call the police"

I knew why he was upset but I wasn't sure why it had effected him so much. I had told him before about my mum so what she had said would be rough. What I had told him was enough to get her in trouble but I wasn't ready to tell anyone else this meant that if she called the police, she would get in trouble rather than us.

"It's ok baby. She has no way to get to us because she doesn't know where you live."I reassured him.

He paused for a moment before he responded. "School"

That one word made my world come crashing down. She knew where I went to school and I couldn't drop out. Not now. I needed to finish my secondary school education incase things didn't work out with my music.

I sat in silence and tried not to cry or shake or react but MIKA could sense my feeling so he sat up and turned to me. "I have the money"

I gave him a confused look.

"I can get you a tutor that can come with us if we go on tour!" He grinned cheekily and I just sat there staring at him. "If you want. I'm not going to force you to do anything that you don't want to do." His face dropped and his eyes became a little scared.

"Baby... It's ok. I would love to have a tutor and I think it might be our only option right now. At least I will get to spend a little more time with you." I smirked mischievously " and as for if we go on tour..." I leant in and kissed him.

"Does this answer your question?" I whispered and kissed him again.


At 6:00 am, we were lying back down and talking about the future.

After a while, MIKA got up and pulled me out of bed with him. We got some breakfast and sat together to eat while he made some calls.

The first was to a tutor that had been recommended. 

The second was to my school.

And the third was to his manager.

He spoke to the tutor and talked about what we plan and hope to do with regards to tours. This meant traveling and having a different routine because of the shows and sound checks and things.

He booked the tutor and he will be coming over on Friday to discuss everything and sort out things with what curriculum I would be learning off and things like that.

MIKA asked his manager to look into the shows and report back to us which she agreed to bur after she spoke to him, she asked to be put on speaker so that she could talk to both of us.

"Ok so Ross, seeing you perform yesterday and listening to what you have recorded with MIKA, I can see that you have a true talent. I believe that going on tour with MIKA will help you both out a lot but there is something else that I would like to talk to the two of you about. I know that you will do well with your music so I would like to be your manager but... seeing as I'm asking you, you're still in school and you are so close with MIKA..." She paused and MIKA grabbed my hand as he nodded away in agreement with everything that she said. "I would like you to collectively pay me for managing one person, even though I would be managing you both."

MIKA turned to me with a look of disbelief covering his face. " wow Ross... I think you should go for that. You can't say no unless you have some major reason not to do it."

"Kirsty, I would love for you to be my manager. Thank you." I grinned.

"Great. Shall I meet with you two on Sunday to discuss this?" She asked kindly

"Yes please Kirsty. See you then." MIKA hung up after we all said goodbye

He then rang my school to inform them of me leaving to be tutored. He asked for a teacher that could speak to my new tutor and organised for them to be on hand on Friday so that we could call and talk to them.

He also planned for both of us to go in later in the day to say goodbye and thank you because it became a little unsafe for me to go alone with the thing with my mum. We were going to take a shirt for people to sign and take some cards for the teachers but we couldn't stay long for a strange reason that MIKA couldn't tell me.

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