'Breathing is a good thing to let me do'

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Our time with Luna was soon over and she was to be going home in only a few hours so MIKA and I took her out for lunch.

We went to the café that we had gone to with Fortune and Paloma.

"Good luck with the rest of he tour you two." Luna said once we were finishing with our food.

"Thanks. We've got a reasonable break now but yeah, back to the busy life of musicians in about a month" I responded with a smile.

Only MIKA and I knew the whole truth behind the long break. We had told Kirsty to keep this time free from shows and now our reason was because we needed to plan the wedding. This was true but while we planned, I would be recovering from my top surgery and I wouldn't be able to perform properly.

"You love it though" MIKA smiled. I looked at him with a confused look. "The busy life of a musician"

"Oh yeah. I do love it, you're right. Sorry I got lost in thought for a minute there" I giggled, paid the bill and stood up.

"Well I guess this is goodbye until the wedding then." Luna sighed.

I loved spending some time with her. I needed to do it more often seeing as she was really the only family that I still spoke to.

"Yeah but I'll FaceTime you from the tour bus or something. Don't worry" I reassured.

"Ok. I can't wait. See you later" she smiled and gave MIKA and I hugs before walking outside.

"Let's go and get everything sorted ready to go for tomorrow" he took my hand and lead me out to our car.

We had a hotel booked for a week down by the hospital and were traveling down tomorrow ready for my surgery the day after.

"Check that everything's packed so we can put everything in the car" MIKA instructed as he walked into the bedroom behind me.

I tuned to look at him and found myself centimetres away from him. Without hesitation he leant in and kissed me. His arms wrapped around me and mine went into his hair. He pulled me closer to him until I could barely breathe.

I pulled away for air "breathing is a good thing to let me do" I smirked

"Sorry. I just love to have you close" he still clung onto me tight as though I was about to run away from him.

I chuckled as his words and pulled him back into me to continue the kisses. He was right though, especially when it was so cold, I absolutely loved having him close. It made me feel special and... It's hard to explain.

"You ready for this?" MIKA asked as he leant his head on my shoulder.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be?"

"I was just nervous that getting you a date so soon wouldn't give you time to mentally prepare"

"You're cute!" I laughed "I would have been ready if they phoned up and asked me to go straight there. I have been mentally prepared since I heard that it was an option."

"Ok. As long as you're ready. Now let's get the car packed and relax. It been manic in this house for the past few days and it's finally quiet so let's enjoy he peace" he picked up his bag from the bed and I picked up mine before we carried them outside and shoved them in the car.

We sat together and watched a movie. MIKA was right, it had been crazy with all the guests and it was lovely to just chill in peace and walk around in our pyjamas without judgement.

Dot get me wrong, I love my friends but I wanted to be alone with MIKA especially when we had just got engaged. It was good to get intimate with him and not have to worry about catering to the need of guests. At least we would have my recovery time to be together and also get things sorted with the wedding.

After the movie, we had a romantic dinner that MIKA had planned and then we got showered and ready for bed but before we drifted off to sleep, we spent some time hugging one another. Once I had surgery, I wouldn't be able to move my arms much for a while so we enjoyed it while we could.

After lots of cuddles, 'I love you's and kisses, we settled down and allowed our tired bodies to rest while dreams danced around in our minds.

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