The start

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I woke up to MIKA kissing me gently. I kissed him back and he smiled against me.

"Today's the day baby" he whispered right next to me ear so I could feel his breath. I could feel my face go red so I quickly got up and grabbed my clothes

"We better get ready then!" I said heading to the bathroom to get ready.

When I came out, I could smell food and I felt my stomach rumbling as I walked towards the cute man who was singing as he cooked, his messy curls bobbing up and down.

I snuck up behind him and tickled him

"ROSS STOP PLEASE!" He repeated over and over until I gave in and kissed him.

"Thank you!" He laughed as he pulled away from the kiss.

"Meh. Anytime!"

We ate breakfast, doing our usual thing and finding ourselves lost in each others eyes.

Once we had finished, MIKA pulled out his phone and rang someone. I was curious as to who he was ringing so I asked him to put it on speaker. He did so without hesitation and I heard a voice come out of the phone.

"Thank You for calling sir Andrew mason's secondary school (a/n I made this up btw. It's not a real school) . To speak to a member of the office staff please press one. To sp." MIKA pressed one and waited.

Before long he had booked an appointment to see the head of the school later in the day.

I got my things together and we headed out. I could feel the nerves starting to make me feel unwell again so I held MIKA's hand tightly.

"Breathe baby. It will all be ok. I'll be there by your side." He always knew what to say.

I took deep breaths and tried to calm down by thinking about MIKA. It actually helped a lot and I was soon calm again.

"I'll see you later ok? Be brave and I love you Ross." He smiled and I got out of the car.

"I will. Love you too." I replied and I strolled towards the school.

"Be brave. He loves you and he's there for you" I told myself over and over. I whispered so quickly that I was only letting a little bit of air through my mouth. To anyone else, it would have looked like I was just mouthing random words but these where the words that helped me stay calm until 12:24.

Lunch was only 5 minutes away and I was looking forward to seeing Jemma, the only person at school that I could call a friend. I thought about wether or not I was going to tell her what had happened in the last few days with MIKA. His face popped up in my head. His beautiful brown eyes always looking at me with love.

"You need to go to the reception young lady" the teacher said with their hand on my shoulder.

I tensed up. 'I'M NIT A LADY!" I wanted to scream at them but I just took a deep breath, picked up my rucksack and walked out the door, down the stairs and into the reception.

"Hey!" I heard a voice say. The voice that I'd wanted to hear all day.

"Hey to you too!"I replied while a big grin took over my face.

We sat on a couch to wait to be called into the heads office. I felt a light tingle in my hand so I looked down to find that MIKA had moved a little closer and was gently and discreetly holding my hand. I looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back before quickly looking around and putting his finger to his lips dramatically "Shh" he said so only us two could hear. He winked and turned back to face ahead.

"Mr... Penniman?" The headteacher questioned

MIKA nodded and stood up. The two of them shook hands before turning to look at me, still sitting, on my own.

"And hello to you too young lady."

I saw MIKA's face drop but he just came over to me and put his arm around my shoulder while the head carried on talking to me. "I'm guessing that you are coming in with us?"

"Yeah." MIKA replied for me.

"Well then, in you come!" Was Sir's jolly response.

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