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A week and a few days later, MIKA and I were repacking everything ready for the continuation of the tour. The night before, we were prepared for the long day of travel across seas to get o the USA for the next branch of the tour.

"I'm having a shower" I told MIKA after dinner.

"I need one too so mind if I join you?" He smirked.

Now that I was post op on my chest, I was fine with being shirtless but I still felt uncomfortable. I knew he wouldn't force me to do anything, he just wanted to join me.


"It's up to you. I can shower after you if not" he continued to watch me awkwardly and wait for my answer.

I hugged him tight. I love this man. "Ok. You can join me" I whispered into his ear before taking his hand and walking to he bathroom.

"Are you sure?" MIKA questioned.

I just nodded and got undressed before switching the water on.

"How hot do you like it?" I asked him as I felt the temperature.

"That's good." He hopped in and I followed.

It was awkward but also quite enjoyable at the same time because I felt closer than ever to MIKA but it was strange to see one another without clothes.

We got cleaned, hugged a little, got out and dried off. We both put on some underwear and tracksuit bottoms and cleaned our teeth.

Once we were in bed, I hugged MIKA close to me, breathing his smell.

"Thank you for trusting me like that" he whispered.

"Well... I do trust you so it's ok"

"I love you no matter what and I think you're extremely handsome. Something like that won't change my mind. You know that baby"

"I know" I nuzzled into his warm neck and kissed it gently.

"You're brave for what you've gone through you know" he tightened his grip on me and wrapped his legs around my body.

That's when I told him about my dad and showed him everything in the keepsake box that I brought with me when I moved in. Until that day, it had sat unopened in the wardrobe. It was hard for me to talk about it all so I pushed it back but now was a good time seeing as it was MIKA that I was talking to.

After our long talk, the sun began to light up our room so we snuggled and got some sleep. We only had a few hours until we had to go and meet everyone at the airport and get on our flight.

My eyes closed, head hit the pillow and legs tangled with MIKA's and before I knew it, I was asleep.


Knock knock knock.

Knock knock knock.

Ding dong.

Knock knock knock.

"I'll get it"

Knock knock knock


Knock knock.

Quiet chatter.


Door opening.

Bed sinking on MIKA's side.

"Ross we're late. Get up"

I opened my eyes to see MIKA leaning over me without his shirt on.

"Good morning" he smiled

I groaned.

"Come on. We need to get up. Kirsty is at the front door" he pulled me up and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"I thought we were meeting everyone at the airport thought" I whispered. It was too early for talking let alone flying.

"We were but she rang us and we didn't answer so she came over. She knows us too well if she knew that we would be asleep late" he chuckled and stood up before taking my hands and standing me up too. "Put on a shirt and a jumper and let's get going."

We were already in tracksuit trousers so we were half dressed. I threw on a blue t-shirt and MIKA's green hoodie before using bathe bathroom, grabbing food and jumping in Kirsty's car.

She drove us to the airport. I was still too asleep to say a word until I had to.

Once we walked into the small room where the others were waiting, MIKA, Kirsty and I greeted Sam and the band. We all then exited the room to board the plane.

It was a small plane with just enough seats for us. We had food and drinks but none of us were particularly hungry seeing as we had all just had breakfast.

"How was your break?" Max asked. He was sat by MIKA and I.

"Amazing thanks. We got a lot planned for the wedding and we're pretty much ready." I told him happily. I was more awake now.

"We've got to get our suits sorted and I have to write a speech but other than that, we only have the last minute practices and then all that's left is to get married" MIKA added.

"Sounds like you had a busy break then." Max laughed. "Thanks for having me as your best man Ross"

"No problem. Thanks for saying yes."

He nodded before turning to Curtis who was calling his name.

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