Its time.

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"Take a seat you two. I'll be back in a few minutes. " said Mr Peters, the head teacher of my school, as he closed the door behind him.  

I turned to MIKA and asked if we were going to tell people about us being boyfriends.

"I think we should wait. You're already changing people's views of you. We don't want things to get too much for them. I want you to be safe." He responded his face serious yet loving.

"Ok. I agree." I nodded. It was hard but I knew that I couldn't kiss him here. Not now.

"Sorry about that folks." Mr Peters burst in the room and sat down on his chair. "What can I do for you today?"

I took a deep breath and looked at MIKA. He gave me a nod and I turned back to Mr Peters. "...I'm not who you and everyone else in this school think I am" I blurted quietly, trying to spit the words out but all that came was a squeak.

"Speak up love." MIKA giggled

I blushed at his words. I needed to just have a hug from him. I felt so cold and scared.

MIKA leant in towards me and whispered to me asking if I wanted him to tell Mr Peters. I told him I would try again but if I nod at him, he should just say it for me.

I took a deep breath and tried again "I am not exactly who you and the teachers think I am. I am not a girl. I am called Ross and I am a he. Things that are mine are not hers, they are his because I am a boy." I spoke the last 4 words slowly to emphasise my certainty.

"Wow. Erm...thanks for informing me..." He said hesitantly

"Sir, would you mind giving us a minute please?" MIKA asked Mr Peters because he could see that I needed a second to calm down. My breathing was all over the place and I was on the verge of breaking down.

"Yes. I will go and get the student welfare teachers. When you are ready er.. Ross, just come and get us from outside on the couches." He awkwardly closed the door.

I broke down and MIKA was straight there beside me to comfort me.

"I love you baby. Well done. I'm so proud of you. We're going to get this all sorted out for you." He told me after he sat on the floor and pulled me into his lap. We sat and hugged until my breathing became normal again.

"Would you like a glass of water baby? He whispered, still holding me.

I nodded so he put me down on the floor and left me for a few seconds. He came back and sat down next to me, giving me my water so I took a few sips before crawling back onto his lap and letting myself melt into his grip.

After a few minutes, MIKA pulled my chin up to make me look into his eyes and he spoke

"Your face isn't red anymore. Would you like me to get them in here so we can get this all sorted. Once we're done here I'll take you home. I think today has been long enough for you."

"Ok. I think I'm ready to get this over with." I smiled. He smiled back at me, happy to see me cheer up a bit.

Once I was sat back on my chair, MIKA left to go and get the others in.

"13:12" I said to myself thinking about leaving school and going back to MIKA's. I wanted to give him a kiss and thank him but as I said earlier- not here. Not now.

MIKA came in with Mr Peters and two other teachers.

"Ok. This is Ross. He has just told me that he is transgender. It's our job to sort this out at school and to show people how to act around him" Mr Peters said while gesturing toward me and then taking a seat. The two other people sat with him and MIKA sat back in his seat next to me.

"So Ross, would you like a new uniform?" the one on Mr. Peters right asked me.

"Yes please" I answered happily. I was finally more understood.

"And would you like to be called Ross by all the teachers?" The other asked

"Yes please" I smiled. This was great. I was getting somewhere.

"And would you like to be referred to as a he?" Mr Peters joined in.

"Yes please" I beamed. I was so happy to be here thanks to my amazing boyfriend, MIKA.

"We will get those thing sorted for you. You aren't expected to be in school until next Monday at the earliest because we need some time to organise it all but I think you should spend that time with Mr Penniman here because he seems to make you very happy!" Mr Peters told me smiling at the end of his mini speech.

"Thank you very much for all your help. Just give me a call if you need anything." MIKA nodded at the head teacher before taking my hand and taking me out of the school building and to his car.

"Thanks!" I yelled back on the way out.

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