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Once we were both strapped into the car MIKA looked at me. I was already looking at him. I watched him and he looked like he wanted to say something. He started to bite his lip so I grabbed his hand.
"Are you ok?" I asked. 

"Er. Yeah I was just thinking about earlier. I never responded..." I knew exactly what he was talking about. When we were in the studio and I told him I liked him and then we got interrupted. 

"So... What did you want to say?" I almost whispered. 

"I like you too. A lot" he said and looked awkward for a moment. I couldn't wait any longer so I leant in and we hugged. I never wanted it to end but I was hungry. I hadn't eaten since 12 and I only had party food because it was my birthday. It was now nearly midnight.

"Did you mention food?" I asked hinting that I was hungry.

"Oh that. Yeah. I'm really hungry. Shall we get something on the way back?"

"Sure. Whatever's fastest. I'm starving. Party food isn't very filling!" I giggled as MIKA pulled out of the car park

"Oh yeah it's your birthday isn't it? I'm sorry I didn't get you anything." He sounded a little disappointed. I wasn't bothered. Just being with him was enough and then he's invited me to stay at his so we can spend more time together. I didn't need a present.

I told him this and he smiled. Not just any smile. A mischievous one. I couldn't be bothered at this time of night so I just ignored it. I couldn't wait to get back to his house. I was tired and hungry.

I felt my eyelids get heavy as I started to fall asleep in the car so I put on some of his music. He sang along quietly and almost absentmindedly. Best thing I'd ever experienced. It was so cute. I liked him. A lot. I really liked him a lot.

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