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We arrived at the school at lunch time and set up a few things in the main hall.

We had some things for people to sign and a presentation with pictures from the concert and a few slides of explanation.

Once lunchtime had finished, the whole school was called into he main hall so that we could speak to them.

Mr Peters stood up at the front of the stage once everyone was sat down and the hall was full. "Good afternoon everyone. As you can see this afternoon will be a little bit different. I am glad to be welcoming MIKA and of course Ross to our school. They have an extremely exiting announcement for you guys so please listen to them and be respectful." He got off of the stage and sat on the end of the first row of seats.

I was stood with MIKA in the centre of the stage with microphones due to the amount of people there. The whole school was there so just a few people! "Hey guys. As some of you may know, the two of us did a concert at the O2 last night." I changed the slide on the blued behind us and showed some of the pictures of us on the stage."It was a lot of fun and it went really well. However we have decided to hopefully go on tour and do shows all over the world." I showed a map with some of the places that MIKA said would be the most likely places that we would be going.

"This does mean though that Ross will be leaving the school to travel and focus on his music."MIKA added

With that, everyone started to talk so I looked at MIKA who was looking back at me.

"I can't wait to spend more time with you." He whispered and took my hand and kept hold of it while he turned back to the school and spoke into microphone to get their attention back. "There's more..."

Everyone grew silent and waited for us to say what else we had to say. "We are going to do something interesting" he smirked.

He got out his phone and synced it to the big screen.

He pulled up Twitter and typed in a tweet before leaving it for a moment for everyone to read.

Hello everyone! So as some of you may know, I did a concert last night in London with @(make up your own Twitter handle)! We made an announcement last night that I'm going to tell the rest of you now... We are dating!

Needless to say, there were a few gasps!

We stood, hand in hand and watched everyone's reactions.

Once it has dyed back down, we put out the shirts for people to sign and told the school that they could sign them, come and talk to us or chill and listen to the music.

We put on some of MIKAs music and sat at the front of the stage.

Many people, especially the people in my year, came and talked to us, telling us that we were cute together and many people asked about the tour.

It was a great afternoon.

At 3:10, Mr Peters began to talk again causing everyone to sit back in their seats "thank you for coming in today guys" he stood next to us and looked at us while he spoke."am I right in thinking that today is your last day here Ross?"

I nodded with an exited grin covering my face. MIKA squeezed my hand.

"Well good luck from all of us. I'm sure some of us will come to your next show in London!" He smiled and turned to the mass of people that were sitting in front of us. "A round of applause for these two please"

They all clapped before standing up and leaving slowly. A few people came and said goodbye, including teachers, and MIKA and I packed up, said thanks and goodbye to Mr Peters and drove back home.

"Well done baby. I'm so proud of you and I'm so happy that everything is sorted now. I can't believe that Kirsty offered to be your manager as well." MIKA grinned and his eyes sparked brightly while he leant in and hugged me tight.

He sat at the piano and we sang the afternoon away until it was pitch black and we got hungry so we had dinner together.

We sat opposite each other in peace and contentment.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

Different (a MIKA fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now