Chapter 72

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Grace pov
I was nervous, I had to face my rapists in court today.

I stood in front of the mirror in the third outfit I'd tried on. "Love we better go soon, we don't want to be late." Harry said. "Do I look okay?" I asked.

Harry came over and kissed my forehead

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Harry came over and kissed my forehead. "You look beautiful, and you will be fine." Harry said. I rested my hands on my stomach. Harry placed his hand on mine. I felt a kick. "She's kicking." I smiled.

We'd found out a week earlier that the other baby was a girl. Now I had to figure out a female version or either Harry or Henry. I had a few In mind.

We said goodbye to the children, and then left Kensington. The car pulled up In front of the court house.

Paps were every where. Harry opened the door. Questions were being yelled at us. Harry helped my out of the car, and put his arm around me as we walked through the crowd.

(A/n: so I'm American and I'm too lazy to look up how the British justice court system. So I'm going to do it like the America Justice system.)

We met with the prosecutor and we went to the court room. Harry kissed my hand right before we went in.

I felt the eyes glued to me as we walked into the court room. I walked through the gate and sat down next to the prosecutor. Harry was sitting on the other side of the Bar, in the front row. He gave me a smile. I rested my hand on my stomach.

I looked over at the defense table, the two men were sitting there with attorneys. I started twisting my engagement ring on my finger.

The trial started.  The prosecutor presented the crime and the offenses. "Defenses call your first witness." The judge said. "I call Landon Smith to the stand." The defense attorney said. Landon walked in and was sworn in.

"What were you doing in the foot bridge in Bristols?" The defiance attorney asked. "I was running away. ." Landon said. "Why?" "I wanted to go home to Manchester." He said. "And why did you run from Princess Grace?" "I didn't want to go back. I wanted to find my dad." Landon said. "Despite you knowing your father was dead?" The lawyer asked. "Yes, I wanted to go visit his grave." Landon said. "And did Princess Grace promise to take you to your father's grave?" "She did, but she had to reschedule it. She had a schedule conflicts." Landon said as he looked at me. "Do you trust Princess Grace?" "Yes," "Has she ever broken a promise?" the attorney asked. "No." Landon said. "What about when you were taken from the care of Kathryn King?" "Princess Grace did everything she could to keep us together. But it's hard to put three unrelated children into the Same house. Some foster families don't have enough room for the three of us. But I know she tried. The house I was placed in was with in walking distance of Noel and Julia. If she hadn't even tried to keep us together, they wouldn't be that close to me." Landon said. "When did you turn back? After running out of the foot tunnel?" "I heard Miss. Grace screaming, and yelling at her attackers to stop." Landon shifted uncomfortably. "Yet you didn't go back immediately? Why?" "I knew I had to call the police. So I did, and after I did I returned to the tunnel. But by then. Miss. Grace's attackers were gone." "What state was she in?" "Her cloths were ripped, she was huddling on the grown. I told her I had called the police." "No further questions." The prosecutor then asked Landon some questions.

"Call your next witness." The judge said. "I call Princess Grace of Wales to the stand." I got up and walked to the stand. I was sworn in, and I sat down.

"Your Highness, can you tell me what happened on the night of your attack?" The prosecutor asked. "Yes, I got a call around one, for Landon's foster mother saying he'd run away. I knew that in times past he would go to the foot tunnel. So that's where I went. When I got out of my car I saw Landon. I yelled at him to stop. He didn't, so I ran after him. He ran out of the other end of the tunnel. So I ran after him. When I came out of the tunnel two men confronted me. They forced me back into the tunnel. And once they were inside they started ripping at my cloths. They... They then raped me." I said. "Do you remember Landon telling you he's called the police?" "I do," "do you remember what you responded?" "Not entirely, I believe I said good." I said as I twisted with my wedding rings. "Are the two men in this room right now?" "Yes," "can you point them out?" "Yes the two men sitting next to the defiance attorney." I said. "No further questions." He said as he sat down.

The defiance attorney got up. "Your Highness, can you tell me what you were wearing the night of the your assault?" "What?" I asked. "What were you wearing the night you were raped?" "I was wearing an old pair of skinny jeans, and one of my husband's tee shirts." I kept twisting my wedding band, it was hard to move it due to my swollen Fingers. "Would you say that your cloths lead you be raped?" "No," "would you say you bring out late and alone, made you vulnerable?" "Not entirely, what happened that night started off as any other runaway." I said.

The lawyer went back to the desk. And picked up a folder. "It may have started off as a normal 'runaway' call but it did not end the same way. You went missing for three months after you were released from the hospital, correct?" "Yes," I said as I managed to turn my ring completely around. "Where did you go?" "A rape rehab under the name Martha Jones." I said. "And this isn't the first time you've gone 'missing'? "No it was not. I disappeared into plain sight." I said. "I have your physic evaluation. Which since you didn't use your real name. I was able to obtain. They diagnosed you with Depression," I nodded. "And bipolar disorder." The attorney came closer to the stand. "You also have scars on your wrist from self harm. When was the last time you did cut your self?" He asked. "Objection!" The prosecutor yelled. "Over ruled, answer the question." The judge said. I looked at Harry. "Your okay," he mouthed. I nodded and looked at my hands. "The last time I actually cut my wrist was when I twenty five." I said as I rubbed my wrists. "Also PSTD, that's off enough, I would expect PSTD from your husband, but you princess, have you really been through that nun where you have PSTD?" "Yes, and being raped hasn't helped at all." I said as I looked at my hands in my lap. "You are clearly pregnant. Have you had a DNA test?" "Objection!" The production yelled. Harry was standing up. "Final question." The judge said. "Yes I have had a DNA test, and The DNA of my baby Belongs to my husband." I said. Harry and I didn't want anyone to know about the dead twin. "No further questions." The defiance attorney said. I got up, and went back to the seat.

The rest of the trial went terrible, well from my opinion. The two men kept saying I'd come on to them. Saying it was my fault.

Harry and I left the court house, we were bombarded by paps. We got to the car and went back to Kensington.

I walked into our room, and laid down on the bed without taking my shoes off. "Love, are you alright?" Harry asked. "No," I said as I rubbed my stomach. I buried my face in pillows and the tears started flowing. Harry took my shoes off and sat me up. Harry sat on the bed and wrapped his arms around me. "Tell me what's wrong?" Harry said. "The defense attorney. He kept attacking me like it was my fault. He read out my mental illnesses in front of that court room. And now their gonna get out to the public. And I never wanted that." I sobbed. I cried into Harry's shoulder as he rubbed my back. "Hey, Grace. I've already taken care of it. Granny is going to protect you, that information won't get out." Harry said as he wiped my speared mascara out from under my eyes. "Thank you." I said. Harry kissed me. "I won't let what happened to my mother happen to you. No one will know about your self harm, suicide attempts, or any of your mental illness. I will do everything in my power to protect you, and our children. I would even sacrifice my own name for you three." Harry said. I smiled slightly. "Where are the other two?" I asked. "I'll fetch them. Your highness." Harry said as he kissed my forehead. I took my jacket off and Harry helped me off the bed. I went to the closet and changed.

Harry bought Faith and Davey in, if anything my children where my go-to antidepressants. I kneeled down on the ground so I could hug them. I hugged them tight and felt tear escape my eyes. I wiped them away before they could me the tears. "Mummy I wanna feel the baby move." Faith said. I sat down and took her hand. I pressed her hand into my stomach. I felt the baby move, Faith pulled her hand away. Harry scooped Faith up. "It's strange, isn't it." Harry chuckled.

We spent the rest of the day together.
A/n: sorry I haven't posted, I've been super busy with school, swim team and homework. I literally have barely any time to write on all my stories.

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