Stange faces

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Hi sprinkles!! New Person EPPPPPPPP anyways new chapter coming in 2-3 days it will be as long or longer than this one. Hope you enjoy!!

Ps..Ryo appearance is shown above

Chapter 47

Ki's Prov

It's already evening, and i'm still staring at this stupid scroll wondering where the hell to start.


What the hec-


I look over to see the guy from the Dumpling shop holding on to a..Squirrel!?


He shouts at me and crawls over to me.. Still holding that squirrel.


What just happened, A guy falls out of a tree holding a squirrel..Yep normal.

"So whatcha doing"

He says moving closer to me and sits indian style while petting the squirrel...Yep this guy's weird, but who says weird is bad.

"Trying to figure out this squirrel..I mean Scroll!" I say with a laugh

"Do you need help?"

I look him over should I? He looks strong and I didn't even know he was in the tree until he fell.

"Only if you tell me your name"

I say with a smile, if he tells me his name then I might let him help.

"Ryouta Otsutsuki"

I look at him in shock the Famous Otsutsuki Clan, their extent and to hold the last name..Although he doesn't look like one, he has strong chakra so I belive him.

"Well, Ryouta I would love to have your help, Also I'm going to call you Ryo-Sensei."
He smiles at the Sensei part, it's only fitting he's older and is wiser.

I gesture him to come sit beside me and help me while he lets the squirrel go and sits with me.

We both look down at the scroll, he seems to be carefully reading it and then he stops.

"I get it"

I anime fall, it took this guy 1 minute what's been taking me hours.


I see him smile at me and stand up.

"Want me to teach you?"

I nod my head, this guy is amazing.

"So first do you have the kunai?"

I tilt my head in confusion, but then go back to the box that Pervy-sage gave me. I look through it and find a kunai like the ones I saw my dad use. But this one doesn't have the marker thingy.

I pick it up and toss it to Ryo, but carefully not to cut him.

"Hmm I see."

For the first time in awhile i'm confused, wait take that back i'm just confused.

"How good are you at sealing jutsu?"

"Id say really good, technically it's what my clan is for."

I see him smile at this, why does this have anything to do with this?

"Ok, that makes it easier, think of it this way for this to work you have to place a marker on a destination, correct?"

I nod my head and he continues.

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