Chapter Eighty Three

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-Justin's POV-

*3 Days Later That Night*

I was pacing back and forth for like the millionth time today. My family is finally coming and Mr. Martin was kind enough to let them stay here.

"Justin can you please quit pacing? Your making all of us nervous," Kacey said. I looked back at her and everyone else. "Sorry. I haven't seen my family in months," I explained to them. I started fiddling with my fingers.

"Marcella, can you please make sure the rooms are -"

"Are cleaned and the beds are made. Yes they are Justin. Calm down mon amour." Marcella grabbed my cheek and squeezed it. I cringed a little due to her squeezing it so hard. This whole entire day we've been busy with cleaning and coming up with things to do with my family. Also Kacey and her mom just got finished with some things with the coronation.

"Oh. I'm sorry."

I heard a car being honked and my heart stopped for a millisecond. They're here. Everyone walked outside to greet them but I bombed rushed them to get to my parents. They weren't outside off the car for a good five seconds before I engaged them in a group hug.

"Well hello to you too," my mom said. She kissed me on my cheek. Dad ruffled my hair and I instantly fixed it back, he knows I hate that.

"Bizzle." I looked behind my mom and dad only to see Jazzy and Jaxon walking towards me. I embraced them in a hug and they hugged me back. "I missed you guys."

Jazzy lightly punched me in the stomach and I pretended to be hurt. "Ow Jazzy why you do that?"

"Well if you missed us so much you would've called," she rolled her eyes at me and went back towards my mom and dad along with Jaxon.

"Well little bro, you know I'm not hugging you but wassup." Jason got out of the car and I smiled. Asshole. I still gave him a hug but he pushed me. "Quit with all that sentimental stuff."

"Whatever. Anyways this is the royal family of Ćenàla. The Martins. Here is Queen Carmen."

They all said hello to each other and shook hands. "Here's King Ethan. Prince Kareem." They all exchanged hellos and hugs also.

"And this is Princess Kacey."

"Damn," Jason tried to mumbled under his breath but everyone heard. Mom elbowed him and he grunted.

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you all," Kacey said.

"And this is my family. My mom Pattie, my dad Jeremy, my brothers Jason and Jaxon, and my little sister Jazzy."

"Well it's a nice to finally meet you. You guys come on in and get comfortable. Our maids will assist you to your rooms," Mrs. Martin said. They all walked into the mansion and all I heard was ohhh's and ahhh's. I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw that it was Kacey.

"Well this is going to be a fun," Kacey said. She grabbed my hand and we entered through the door, closing it behind us. We all went upstairs into our rooms. "Well your family seems lovely," Kacey said.

I threw myself on the bed and looked at my wife. I was so excited that my family were finally here. "Well looks can be deceiving. They are actually crazy," I chuckled. Kacey went into her closet and begin throwing some clothes onto the bed. She went towards her dresser, begin taking off her jewelry and looking for some panties and bras.

"Don't call them that. I can't wait for our morning brunch tomorrow. I hope they like me." Kacey bite her lip and started playing with her fingers. I rolled over and grabbed Kacey. She's such a people pleaser at times.

"They are going to adore you because pretty soon you are going to be my wife some day. Besides who doesn't love Kacey Christine Martin?" I kissed her and she beamed at me.

"Selena doesn't like me."

"That creature doesn't count."


The next morning, I was being woken up by a grown woman jumping on the bed. "Get up! Get up! Get up! Today is here!" She plopped down besides me and I smiled at her. I looked at the clock and it was 8:13.

"Well you seem excited."

"Of course. Now hurry up and shower lazy butt." She slapped my ass and ran off into the bathroom. "Kacey you are so childish!"

"Whatever Biebz," she said while turning on the shower. I shook my head and got out of bed. I stretched and walked into the bathroom, steam instantly whisking in my face. I closed the door behind me. Kacey didn't notice I was in yet.

I stripped of my clothes and opened the shower door, stepping in behind Kacey. I lightly touched her and she jumped a little. She turned around and tried covering up her body. "Justin what are you doing?"

"Conserving water. Besides why are you covering up?"

She swallowed and looked at everywhere but at me. "No reason. Just leave."

"Nope. Why are you hiding? I've seen you naked before."

"No you haven't. You've seen me partially naked. And that night that you've did that to me, it was dark and you couldn't really see me. Justin I don't want you to look at me my body is disgusting."

Wait?! Rewind. The fuck she mean. She has the body of a fucking goddess. Anyone would be lucky to have her body.

"Baby, look your body is NOT disgusting. I love every inch, every curve, and every flaw of you."

"But I don't have the body type that you like."

I scrunched up my face and walked towards her. I embraced her in a hug and cupped her ass in my hands. "I know what you are thinking. Yes, I have dated skinny thin girls but that was because I never dated a black girl. I'm glad I meet you because I'm never going back. Don't you dare think you have to be skinny to be sexy to me because you don't. I like my women thick now."

She giggled at me and hit me in my chest. "I'm being honest. Now come on and let me bathe you." She beamed at me and kissed me. "I love you Mr. Bieber."

"I love you too Mrs. Bieber."


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