Chapter Seven

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Today's the day. The rehearsal of my coronation. My feelings were the same as the night I met Michael and his family. I had butterflies in my stomach and my hands couldn't stop shaking. My nerves was on edge. I was shaking in my seat.

"Quit shaking Kacey. It's just a rehearsal. Not the real thing," my mother said. She placed her hand on my shoulder and gave it a little squeeze. I looked up at my mother and gave her a small smile.

"I know it's a rehearsal mother but I just want everything to be perfect," I told her. She kissed my cheek. "I know how you feel sweetheart. I remember my coronation & it's rehearsal. I had the same jitters that you're having right now but I had nothing to worry about. Everything went according to the plan," my mother assured me. I hugged my mother and she wrapped her arms around me, hugging me back.

"Thanks mother," I whispered in her ear.

"You're welcome sweetheart," she said.

"Your Highness, it's time for Kacey's fitting." My mother and I stopped embracing and looked at the doorway.

"Nathaniel, hello darling." My mother went over and they kissed each other on the cheek. Nathan was a gay fashion designer. He was the number one fashion designer across the world. Not to mention, him and my mother was best friends so me and him are kinda close.

"Please Carmen, you know not to use my full name. Call me Nathan," Nathaniel said. She laughed a little and he joined her.

"Hey Nathan," I said. He stopped laughing with my mother and looked in my direction.

"Kacey," he said while running up to me. I met him halfway and gave him a hug. "How's my adorable little Princess?" He asked me while pinching my cheeks. I swatted his hands away from my face.

"Not so hard Nathan," I said while rubbing my face in a circular motion. "I'm sorry boo bear," he said in a coo'ing voice. I rolled my eyes at his pet name for me.

"You still call me that?" I asked him.

"Everything I give you is fabulous darling. Even my nickname for you," he said.

I shook my head. Nathan irks my nerves sometimes with his big ego. "So Nathan where's the dress?" I asked him while taking a seat in my chair again.

"Shoot. I almost forgot. Nikki!" He yelled while clapping his hands. In ran a 5'6, curly haired brunette, pushing a rack on wheels with a dress on it wrapped in garment bag. She curtsied to me and my mom.

"There you go Nathan," she said in a peppy voice. Nathan walked over to the rack and Nikki. "Thank you Nikki. You can leave now," he said without looking at her. He was too busy looking at the garment bag like a mad man who created the greatest invention of all time. Nikki left the room leaving me, mother, & Nathan by ourselves.

"I hope you guys love my design for this gown. It took me months but working on this projection was a blessing. Thank you giving me this task Carmen," he said.

"Thank you Nathan for dropping everything and doing this for Kacey," my mother said.

"Your Highness."

"Yes?" My mother said. Ursula came into the room. "Did you want pink and yellow roses or pink and orange roses?" Ursula asked her.

"Pink and yellow roses," mother told Ursula. Ursula nodded her head and left the room.

"Okay back to moi," Nathan said while pointing his index finger to himself. I laughed at him. He always have to have the spotlight on himself.

"Continue Nathan," my mother said.

"Okay ladies are you ready to the gowns of ALL gowns," he said in a drastic way.

"Yes," my mother and I said at the same time. He unzipped the garment bag and pulled out the gown. My mother and I gasped. I got out my chair to look at the designing Nathan did. He truly was a genius when it came to fashion.

"Nathan this is -."

"Genius, extraodinare, remarkable, ex-."

"Perfect," I cut him off. I looked at him and smiled. He returned the gesture. "Well I only went all the way for the future queen of Ćenàla," he said.

"That is a stunning gown Nathan. I can't wait until Kacey's coronation," Mother said.

"Neither can I," Nathan agreed with her. I looked down at my feet and smiled.

"What are you waiting for Kacey. Go try it on," he said. I grabbed the gown and went into the fitting room. I unzipped the back of in in put both of my legs in and pulled the dress up. Now how was I going to zip the back? I called my mother in the room and she did it for me.

Once I was done putting on the gown, my mother gave me some diamond encrusted heels with red bottoms. "Mother these are gorgeous," I said while taking the heels from her hands. They were begging for me to put them on.

"Oh I know. I got them for you months ago," she told me. I slipped my feet in them and I instantly feel in love.

"You look beautiful sweetheart." She caressed my face and I grabbed her hands. She began to get teary eyed.

"Mother please don't cry. When you cry, that'll make me cry," I told her. She laughed and I laughed with her. She fanned her eyes. "I'm sorry but it seemed only like yesterday that I gave birth to the beautiful princess in the entire world," she said. I kissed my mother's cheek and thanked her.

"Are you ready yet Kacey?" Nathan asked me through the door.

"Yes," I replied back to him. He scoffed at me. "Well come out then," he said.

"Don't get your panties in a twist," I told him.

"Don't have any on," he said. I burst out in a fit of laughter and my mom simply shook her head. "Too much information."

I went towards the door and turned the knob. I walked out the room and Nathan had a look of astonishment on his face.

"Beautiful," he said. I blushed and said thank you.


"Okay so you're going to walk on the red carpet that leads you to the throne," the event organizer said. I nodded at her instructions while we walked.


I turned around and saw Michael. He came over to me and kissed me on my cheek while hugging me.

"Hi Michael," I said.


"C'mon Kacey you need to be on your throne," the event organizer said. I nodded and walked with her. I turned back and looked at Michael, mouthing 'I'll be right back.' He simply just smiled.

"So you sit right here and Mr. Turner here will say a few words and crown you," she said. A bearer bought my crown on a crowning pillow to Mr. Turner and he took my crown off the pillow. Before Mr. Turner could put the crown on my head, I heard shots being fired.

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