Chapter Three

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John let me out of practice early today since he thought I wasn't capable of continuing today. I tried to convince him that I was okay.

"No Kacey, go back to your room and get some sleep," he told me repeatedly while packing up his equipment.

"No, I refuse," I said.

"For someone who hates her father's stubborn ways, you sure are acting stubborn," John said. My mouth fell open. I was appalled. I do not have my father's stubborness.

"I oppose," I said. I crossed my arms over my chest and rolled my eyes.

"Go back to your room Kacey," he said.

"No," I said. I sat in the grass again with my arms still folded over my chest. "I'm not about to argue with you," he said. He stopped packing his equipment and went over to some guards who were walking in the garden.

He's bluffing, he's trying to scare me so I can go up to my room. To bad for him because I don't scare easily. I closed my eyes and felt the sun beating on me.

I felt myself being lifted and I opened my eyes. I looked and saw Charles, my guard, throwing me over his shoulder like I didn't weigh 130 pounds. I scoffed at him. "Charles put me down this insist," I commanded him.

I heard John snickering. "Sorry princess," Charles said as he walked us to the castle. I pouted and supported my chin by putting my elbow on his back and putting the palm of my hand under my chin. I looked at John and saw him smirking while waving at me.

I stuck out my tongue signifying him that I despise him at this moment.


Charles places me on my bed. "A fiesty and stubborn princess today are we?" Charles asked. I blew out of my mouth in aggravation.

"I despise you," I said. He chuckled at me and wrapped his biceps around me while suffocating me. "I'll give you my world famous bear hug until you don't hate me anymore," he said. My eyes gaped open.

"You wouldn't dare," I said. He began squeezing me. I felt my air being knocked out of me and my lungs felt like they were collapsing. "Okay. Okay. Okay. I love you Charles," I said. I felt his grip loosen up and he kissed my forehead.

"I love you too Kacey," he said. For a man who is 45 years old, he's really strong.

"Mhmmm," I said while giggling. My laughing was cut off when I heard a low grumble. I held my stomach. "That was you?" Charles asked.

I nodded my head. "I skipped breakfast this morning," I told Charles with a pout of my face. He looked at me and laughed.

"What do you want to eat?" he asked me. I humped my shoulders up and down.

"I want some......." I hummed in my head, hopefully something will come to my head.

"I want some burgers," I said.

"Really?" Charles asked me with his bushy eyebrows knitted up.

"What?" I asked confusingly.

"It took you," he looked at his watch, "5 minutes to see what you wanted to eat," he said.

I laughed. "My tummy couldn't decide what it wanted," I said.

Charles laughed along side with me. "Do you want me to get one of the chefs to cook it for you?" He asked me.

"No. I'm perfectly capable of cooking so I'll do it," I said. I hopped off my bed and grabbed Charles hand. I led us to the kitchen.

"Okay. First things first is we have to wash our hands," I told Charles.

"Why?" he asked me. "My hands are cleaned."

"Do you not know how many items we touch daily?"

He looked embarrassingly at his shoes. "No," he mumbled.

"Exactly," I said. I turned the faucet on and grabbed the antibacterial hand soap dispenser in my hand. I pumped the liquid in my hand and ran a little water on my hand so the soap can lather. When my hands where clean enough, I rinsed off the soap. I left the water running for Charles and grabbed a sheet of napkin off the napkin holder. After I was done drying my hands, I threw the crumbled napkin in the trash. Charles followed my footsteps and did the same.

I went to the fridge and grabbed the ground beef. Then I went to the pantry and found the seasoning.

"Charles can you get the cutting board, a skillet, and can you also preheat the stove. Put it on high," I said.

He followed my orders and bought all the items I asked. I opened the ground beef and grabbed a chunk off of it. I put the chunk of ground beef on the cutting board and put it into a patty form then I seasoned it.

I repeated these steps until all the ground beef were seasoned and were in a patty form. I bought the cutting board away from the counter and by the oven. When I made sure the skillet was hot, I placed 2 patties on it. The aroma of the patties cooking filled my nose and my stomach growled again.

"That smells good," Charles said.

"Thanks," I said while smiling. I waited until one side was brown and grabbed a spatula and flipped it over.

"You know Kacey, you'll make a great wife one day," Charles said. My smile disappeared at his words. It reminded me of when Father told me I couldn't rule Ćenàla by myself without a partner by my side.

"Did I say something wrong?" Charles asked me. I supposed he saw the frown upon my face.

"Oh nothing. Not at all," I said with a forgery smile on my face.

"You're fibbing," he said. I looked down and began fiddling with my hands. Who was I kidding trying to lie to Charles? He's been in my life since I was born.

"What's wrong Kacey?"

I sighed and decided there was no easy way out of this.

"Father thinks I need another monarch to rule Ćenàla because he wants me to have offsprings to keep the Martin family on the throne. Which is ludicrous because my coronation is in 3 weeks and he wants me to marry before then," I explained to Charles.

"I agree with you Kacey but you have to look at your Father's perspective," Charles said. I laughed bitterly and grabbed the spatula to collect the burgers off the skillet. I placed them on a plate alongside the oven.

"What's his perspective?" I asked him. I placed 2 extra patties into the skillet just in case I got hungry again. I put the extra ones in a bowl, wrapped it up in foil, and put it in the fridge.

"He's only looking out for the good of Ćenàla and for his daughter," he said.

"Correction he's only doing what's good for Ćenàla. Sometimes I feel like he cares more for the country and not his own daughter," I said.

"Kacey don't think-."

"Can we not talk about this?" I asked him politely. I collected the other patties off the skillet and placed them on the plate with the others.

"Sure," he said. We fixed our burgers in silence and we went into the dining room where we ate in silence.

The Bodyguard - •J.B• {BWWM} #WATTYS2017Where stories live. Discover now