The Day We See Our Prince Is Now!

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Chapter 69
Hakeem POV:
'It's now 3:25 in the morning and Cassie's fast asleep, I'm still in our indoor gym pumping iron, when I was soon fishing up I heard Cassie scream then she scream'd my name I dropped everything and ran up the stairs and up to our room, 'what's wrong honey? 'Cassie' I just think my water broke! 'I smiled and said' it's time have you started to have contractions? 'Cassie' no not yet but can you  get my hospital bag for me please baby I'll wait down stairs for you! 'The minutes she got up off the bed she had a contraction and started screaming, 'Cassie' ok! ok! Baby it's started where definitely having this baby now! 'I slowly took her hand and help her off the bed we then walked down the step and heading in the car, as I got her carefully in the car I started it and heading straight to the hospital. 'As we came to a stop i got out and ran to her  side and open'd the door then took her hand, and walked her to a wheelchair and started screaming 'nurse , we need a fucking nurse my wife is going into labor can we get a fucking doctor please, 'Cassie' I took his hand and slowly started to clam him down, saying honey please relax I'm sure someone will be on their way in just a moment! 'I just don't want anything to happen to you and our son honey! 'Cassie' I know sweetheart look someone's coming right now! 'As the fucking doctor finally came he said' and may I ask why are you screaming? 'Oh um let me see maybe because my fucking wife is in labor! 'The doctor' oh I'm so sorry I'll take her right away! 'As he took the wheelchair  from my hand he  wheeled  her into a room and that's when it all began I heard her screaming in pain and the doctor saying alright Cassie breath and then one more push ok! 'Cassie "breathing"  'the doctor said and know push! "Baby started crying"  I ran right in the room and said' baby are you ok? 'Cassie' yes baby would you like to see our son? 'When she handed me our beautiful son she smiled and said' what should we name him? 'As I looked down at my son I said' how about Liam! 'Cassie' it's beautiful baby! 'When I kissed Liam's little forehead I said to myself know my family is officially complete, 'Cassie' you mean our family is complete! 'Yes baby our family I kissed her soft lips and told her lets go home.

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