Class Of Blood!

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                       Chapter 10
Cassie POV:
'As I was making my way down the road I took out my black lipstick  from my pocket, and slowly but carefully started applying some on my lips, when I was done I pushed the lipstick back in my pocket and pulled up the my class. 'As I got out from the driver side I closed the door and started walking to my class, 'when I finally found it I went in and realized I'm the only student in here, so I went up to the teacher and 'said' excuse me Mr... Xavier 'said' then names Xavier! 'I smiled and 'said' yes sorry Mr. Xavier um is the class over or something? 'Xavier 'said' nope the class have just begone my sweet little mate! 'I looked and him and 'said' excuse me what did you just saw sir? 'Xavier 'said' no ma'am the class have just begone! 'I  'said' oh so I guess I'm the only student? 'Xavier 'said' yes now here's your sword but before I give this you need to change miss! 'I smiled and 'said' sure as I walked away I stopped and turned my head to Xavier and kept looking at he's red eyes i couldn't help but think those are the same blue eyes I saw in the woods a few nights back but for some strange reason I feel closer to him like I've never felt before, like he's the reason my whole life is going to change.

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