The Devil Himself

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Raven's POV
We arrived at the tower late at night, and they look irritated. I don't blame them. "Raven, enough is enough! Whatever is happening you have to tell us. Who are you!?" Nightwing asked, and I sighed. "I am Rachel Roth, the name given to me by my mother. My mother was a Satist, and found an interest in trying to conjure demons. It worked one day, and she summoned Satan himself, my father, Trigon." I started, and everyone gasped at the idea of me being the daughter of the devil "He raped my mother, which caused me to be born. My mother used a spell to seal him in hell again, to only be opened if I were to allow it. I then was taken to the world Azarath to be raised and trained me. They were a smart breed of people, and figured out that my father has a special link to me to the point where he can locate and torment me by my emotions. I was taught to mask my emotions all my life, which is the reason for my mood since you've met me. It is said that on my 18th birthday, today, Trigon would send his servants to bring me to his temple to release him. Doing whatever it took to make me go. When I presented this news to the Justice League, they shunned me away because of demonic heritage. So, I had to form a team that could defeat him if ever needed. That's when you guys came along." I explained in great detail. I hope this shines light on the current situation we are all in.

Nightwing's POV
It's so much information to take in, and so serious as well. We've been working for Satan's baby girl this entire time, without any one of us ever noticing. And now, the entire world is in danger from this bone chilling deity. "What can we do to defeat him?" I asked, and she didn't not answer right away "Nothing, his power is beyond anything of this world. Our only hope is that we are never in that situation. But, we must be viligant in any villian we face from now on, they might be servants of Trigon." she said, and I nodded. So, now we are fighting demons from hell and trying to prevent the devil from destroying Earth possibly? This should be interesting.

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