Coming Together

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Nightwing's POV
I made it to San Francisco, tired and very hungry. I should get something to eat and then find a place to sleep the night. Closest restaurant to me at the time was McDonald's, not a fan! But, screw it I need to eat. I went in and ordered my foot, and then sat down and started listening to music. Minding my business, I started hearing all this commotion. I took off my headphones out and looked outside to see multiple people running up the street. What the hell? I ran outside and stopped a civilian running "Excuse me sir. What's going on?" I asked, but the man looked up in the sky and began to run again. I then looked up to see a UFO looking thing herling towards us. Oh my God! I have to get all these people to safety, trouble is coming to Earth.

Cyborg's POV
I'm on the bus in San Francisco. I had my hoodie and gloves on so I wouldn't freak another person out. The bus then suddenly stopped out of nowhere, what the hell man? I looked up to see the passengers and the bus driver himself get out and start runnin'. What's the problem right now? I got off the bus to see everyone runnin' the opposite direction. I then saw some spiky hair guy helping everyone run, so I might as well ask him what's up. Maneuvering pass the crowd, I got to the spiky hair guy "Yo man, what's going on here?" I asked, and he put his hand on my chest "You have to get out of here now! There's a massive ship falling from the sky towards us!" he exclaimed, and I panicked and started running. I hid behind an alley way, and moments later I heard a very loud crash and fell to the ground hard, knocking me out.

I awoke, and got up dazed a little. I peaked my head out the alley way to see that spiky hair kid holding a metal stick facing the crashed ship. Is he crazy!? He don't know what could be in that thing! Suddenly, the door fell down and a red haired, fine lookin', green eye glowing girl in the large doorway. She may be fine, but she did not look happy at all. Damn! I gotta help the guy before he get himself killed! I took off my glove and tried accessing a system my pop put into my cybernetics. Attack Mode. All of a sudden, my hand turned into a canon like thing, screw it let's do this!

The girls eyes glowed more green and looked more angry and started flying towards the guy. I ran as fast as I could to get in front of him, and blasted her back into the ship with my canon. "Booyah!!!" I exclaimed, feeling proud of myself because that was so dope! "What the hell..." I heard behind me, and turned to see the spiky haired guy looking at me surprised "Oh, um.... I-" I started but was cut off by him saying "I don't wanna know. I just hope you're here to help." and I had to think. Do I help and risk my life or go about life being an outcast from society? I think y'know my answer.

Beast Boy's POV
DUDE! I was checking Twitter and saw that there's an alien invasion in San Francisco! That's so sick! Now I can finally make my epic return! Look out world, Beast Boy has come to save the world!

I went to the crash site, to see some spiky hair dude and a big dude facing the ship. They must be recording it. Instagram! But, as my heroic duty I must shield them from any danger. I transformed into an ape and put a car in their way, and turned back and stood on the car "Fret not my fellow civilians! For Beast Boy has come to save the day!" I exclaimed, but then a gust of wind knocked me off the car. Curse you mother nature! Luckily, the big dude caught me "What was that?" I asked, and the big dude pointed to the sky to see a red head chick flying around, being chased by some alien bandit dudes. "We gotta help her!" the spiky hair dude and started running the direction they were flying. "Dude! You're crazy!" I shouted, but he ignores me. I looked at the big dude, and he looked back at me "So what now?" I asked, and we saw tons of aliens come out of the ship, armed and loaded! "We fight!" the big dude said, and I was two seconds away from running away. But, that would ruin my perfect reputation. So, time to fight!

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