The Tamaranean War

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Cyborg's POV
I know these assholes didn't just break my roof! "What the heck is that?!" BB asked, seeming a bit scared while I'm beyond pissed. All of a sudden, some barbaric looking guys dropped into the tower, and they didn't look friendly. "Titans Go!" I exclaimed so the three of us can ready up for a fight. You picked the wrong robot to piss off!

I tried charging at one of them, but he picked me up and threw me into the wall like I was a feather. This is going to be harder than I thought. I activated my canon and started blasting him, however he quickly dodged out the way, but Beast Boy charged and hit him as a rhino which caused him to lay unconscious. Raven levitated the last two in the air, and slammed them into each other hard, and dropped there unconscious body.

Raven's POV
I gathered the three barbaric simpletons and tied them up. "Nightwing and Starfire can you hear me? Nightwing and Starfire report!" Cyborg said into the communicator, but no one answered. "Um guys..." Beast Boy said while signalling us to come look out the window. We did so, and saw a ship over the city with similar barbaric men falling from the ship into the city. "Oh no..." Cyborg uttered as we looked perplexed at the invaded city of San Francisco.

"We need to get to Dick and Kori." Cyborg said "We have no time to focus about them right now. Our focus needs to be on making the city safe again." I countered. They looked at me as if they were unsure to listen to me or not "They can both handle themselves, but the city can't. Which is why we need to help." I explained, and after a few moments they agreed and we flew to the heart of the city.

Beast Boy's POV
Another alien invasion?! What is this, Indepence Day?! Anyway, we made it to the city to see these cave men guys harrassing the citizens. Not on my watch! I turned into a bear and roared to get their attention, and it worked. One Flinestone lookin' character ran at me, and side stepped him allowing Cyborg to blast him with his canon. Wow, these guys aren't that smart at all. This about to be easy!

Remember when I said it was going to be easy? Yea...scratch that, it's freakin' difficult! Every time we would defeat a few, many would come out of the ship. I don't know how long I can keep this up. I'm running out of animals to change into! Hopefully Nightwing and Star are doing better than us.

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