No Holding Back

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Starfire's POV
I thought long and hard about what Raven said, and sadly she is right. I may have a strong friendship with Dick, but after what he has done he needs to be stopped. The alarm then went off, and I already knew who it was. I went to the living room, where everyone was getting prepares. Raven gave me a look, telling me that it is Dick. I nodded at her, telling her that I'm ready to take him down.

Nightwing's POV
After recovering, a little, Slade sent me on a mission to get information on another one of his former teammates at Queens Industry. I made it to the top of the building, to see the Titans waiting for me. "You're not getting away again Nightwing." Cyborg stated and prepared his arm canon. "You don't want to do this." I threatened, while in all honesty I didn't want to fight them. Starfire's hands then started glowing and she said in a stern voice "Yes, we do!" and they started running at me. Damnit, I have to fight them. I'm so sorry for everything I have to do to you guys.

Cyborg shot his canon at me, and unfortunately it hit me and I got pushed back. I quickly got back up and threw bombs at them, but they dodged and Raven flew up and and started throwing things at me at a high speed, but I shot them all out the sky and began shooting at Raven. She dodged, and suddenly I was hit out of nowhere by an ape. I fell unconscious for a while.

"Wake up Apprentice!" Slade yelled, and I quickly awoke to see Beast Boy hovering over me asking "Do you think I took it too far?" I grabbed his arm and threw him off the building. Not really worried because he could always transform into a bird and fly to safety. Starfire started blasting at me, but I was able to run out the way and throw a knife that landed in her leg. I then turned to see Cyborg swinging at me, I ducked luckily and punched him, and it hurt like hell! "Half robot, dumbass!" he exclaimed and punched me in the face. I tumbled back, but recovered and threw a device that can short circuit his body for just enough time for me to finish this. Raven swooped down and tackled me "Azarath Metrion-" she started chanting, but I head butted her and punched her again so she could be out cold. I then looked at Starfire "Finish her." Slade ordered into the communicator "She's done already, its no point in-" "Finish her, or I will." he interrupted, and I sighed and loaded up my gun. I pointed it at her "Dick...please..." she pleaded and tears ran down her cheeks "I'm sorry Star." I stated and shot her in the chest. Then, I left.

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