Chapter 39: Scary Movies

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Penelope's P.O.V.

I felt someone shake me awake, like it was urgent. "Huh?" I said groggily.

"Penny?" I heard Adam call my name. "I've been trying to wake you up for three minutes. Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." I assured him. "What time is it?" I asked quietly, getting up. Pain shot through my body, and I groaned.

Adam helped me instantly. I was expecting him to put me back on the bed, but instead, he carried me bridal style, but still sitting on the bed.

"It's around five." Adam replied. "What happened during breakfast?" He asked me, playing with my hair.

I didn't respond. "It's fine. You don't need to tell me." I nodded my head.

"Are you hungry?" He asked me, putting his legs up on the bed. "Sort of." I whispered staring at our ceiling.

"What do you want to eat?"

I shrugged, "Anything light I guess." Adam nodded his head before gently putting me down on the bed and kissing my forehead.

"I'll be back in a few minutes." He then went towards the door before shutting it behind him.

'You're heat should be coming.' My wolf said. 'It's either later this week or next week.'

'Heat?' I asked my wolf. 'Yeah, heat. It's the time when you and Adm mate. The Moon Goddess created this time because she wanted to speed up the mating process.'

'What if we don't mate?' I asked curiously. 'You will be in extreme pain until our mate pleasures us.'  

'And the chances of being pregnant are higher.' 

'Oh.' I said, not knowing what to say next.

Adam came through the door, holding a tray of food. "Here." He said, placing down the plate on the bed.

"Thank you." I said, slowly grabbing the fork. I stared at the eggs and bacon, slowly eating them. 

I finished an egg and a couple pieces of bacon before drinking the orange juice Adam gave me. "That's all you're going to eat? "He asked me, and I nodded my head.

I was about to say something until the door bust open. "Hold it!" I heard a feminine voice call out. 

"Before you do anything, we need to talk to Penny." Charlie, Leanne and surprisingly Eve was standing there.

After a few seconds, Adam finally spoke, "Fine. I better have her back before midnight." He growled lowly.

"Deal!" Charlie said excitedly. She ushered me out and into a guest room, but it looked like they already prepared. There were sleeping bags on the floor, board games, and movie cases all scattered on the floor.

"Since we were always a pair, "Charlie looked at me, "We were never able to play board games, well we could've but it wouldn't be as fun."

"So let's play games!" Charlie said, before dropping down on the floor and picking a games.

Charlie picked a box that said, 'Trouble'. I got to go first, and landed on a six. "Wow. On your first try?" I shrugged my shoulders and popped the thing again.

We kept playing, but Charlie never got out, "That's not fair!" Charlie pouted as the dice landed on a five.

When I think that no one is looking, I move my pieces one. If someone questions me, I just shrugged saying that I was already there.

I won when Charlie finally got a piece out, she huffed, "Let's go to the next game."

We played all of the board games that were scattered on the floor, Charlie kept getting last place, but she didn't mind.


I was wrapped around in a blanket, Eve on my right side and Charlie on the left. Leanne was in front of us, laying down.

"No, don't go in there." I whispered, watching the little girl twist the knob of the door. As she opened it, she was pulled in forcefully and the door closed, sinister laughter followed.

A blood curling scream from the movie filled the room. I jumped and went under the blanket. 

"It's okay Penny," Eve said, removing the blankets from my head. "The movie is almost over."

I put the blanket over my head again. I moved so I was in front of both Charlie and Eve, making a peep hole so I could see the bottom half of the TV.

I got tired of holding the blanket, so I let it fall, and stared at the colorful blanket.

I ended falling asleep, because when I woke up I saw the sun through the curtains and through the clouds.

I sat up, seeing Charlie and Leanne in sleeping bags on the floor. I looked over to my right and saw Eve nearly falling off the bed.

I slowly got up from my bed and crept towards the door.

I opened the door, but tripped on something. I waited to collide with the floor, but it never came.

"Are you okay?" A husky voice asked. I opened my eyes and saw Adam below me. I blushed and he sat up.

"Were you waiting all night?" I asked him as he carried me to our room. "Yeah," He yawned, "I couldn't go to sleep so I waited for you outside but you never came out."

"Oh. I'm sorry." I apologized, "Why are you sorry?" Adam said, opening the door to the room. "Because you waited outside, on the floor."

"It's fine, are you still tired sweetheart?" 

I shook my head, but he laid me on the bed. "But I'm tired, so we're going to sleep."

I tried wiggling myself free, but with no success. "Adam," I said, trying to lift up his arm.

"Yeah?" He said sleepily. "It hurts." I said, trying to sound like it did. Adam instantly shot up from the bed, "Where? I'm sorry." He kept apologizing.

I giggled, and carefully rolled off the bed. I sped walked into the bathroom, locking and shutting the door.

"Penny!" Adam shouted, banging on the door. I panted, smiling to myself. I walked away from the door, but it suddenly opens.

"W-What?" I said, confused, but I was against the wall within seconds. Adam placed his hands on both side of my head, trapping me.

My heart picked up, thumping against my chest. I was pretty sure he could hear it clearly.

Adam came closer, leaning down. Before I could react, his lips were already on mine.

And I was kissing back.

Our moment was interrupted by the door slamming shut.

Adam pulled back, and looked where the door was. "I know who did it." I said, looking at him.

"Who?" Adam said, "I'm going to kill them."

"It was a ghost."


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