Chapter 16: Cat Fight

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Adam's P.O.V.

I went to Phoenix's house to see if Penelope was getting a ride from me. When Phoenix opened the door, he told me that she was walking there, Penelope already mind linked him that she arrived safely.

I said a quick 'Thank you' before starting up my car again and driving to school. When I parked my car, I was greeted by Cameron.

He punched my arm, "I had to catch another ride with someone else, because someone did not wait for me." Cameron said. "Sorry, I got caught up with something." I said,  nervously laughing and scratching the back of my neck.

"You mean someone?" Cameron asked, wiggling his eyebrows. I punched him for his childish behavior.

We walked into school and was met with Mason and Charlie. They were holding hands and were looking at us.

"Have anyone seen my mate?" I asked them, they nodded their heads, "She went to the art room." Charlie answered.

I nodded my head and walked where the art room was. When I peeked through the window I saw my mate's finished piece, and let me tell you, it looked beautiful. But not as beautiful as her.

"Sorry it was late." Penelope apologized to the teacher, "It's fine dear, I've heard about your situation." The teacher said, smiling.

"I'll see you when I see you." The teacher said, waving. Penelope waved back and walked towards the door. I stood there, waiting for Penelope.

When Penelope opened the door, I stepped out of the side of the door and went in front of my mate.

She looked startled at first, but when she saw me, she relaxed. I smiled down at her and led her to her next class.


When gym period  came rolling in, we had combined classes with the girls. My wolf was happy about this because he got to be next to his mate.

I was excited because I got to see those legs of hers. 'Horny teenagers these days.' My wolf tsked. 

When I smelled her enter, I diverted my gaze towards the entrance. While the school uniform consisted of short pants and short sleeves, Penelope was wearing the opposite.

I saw Veronica and her group chewing their bubblegum and looking at Penelope with a disgust look. My wolf growled at the gesture and just wanted to rip the slut in shreds.

Charlie entered the room and went over to Penelope to greet her. I saw Penelope's lips moved, probably saying something back. 

When the gym teacher entered, she ordered us to line up, saying that we would be going out to the track.

The guys cheered and the girls groaned, saying that their hair would get frizzy due to the humidity.

We all went to line up on the start line and got ready. I saw out of the corner of my eye that the gym teacher was telling Penelope something, she nodded and got to position also.

The gym teacher blew the whistle and we started running.

After I ran about five laps, I saw Penelope go over to the teacher and sat down on the grass, panting. I was confused, but let it go and continued running.

When the gym teacher knew that everybody ran at least ten laps, she made us stop and the rest of the period was free.

Charlie went up to Penelope all tired and sweaty, I saw my mate crack a small smile, a really tiny one.


Penelope's P.O.V.

When I ran three laps, I was told to sit down. I obeyed and sat down on the grass, watching the other people run around the track, with Adam in lead of course.

I saw the beads of sweat that poured down his head, his whole back was drenched in his sweat, how does he sweat so much?

When the wind blew, I shivered. Although it was a nice day today, I felt cold. When the gym teacher blew the whistle, I saw Charlie coming up to me and said that it wasn't fair that I didn't run the ten laps.

She laid her head on my lap, exhausted. "Why couldn't I be as pretty as you?" Charlie mumbled. I shook my head, "I'm not pretty. You are." I insisted.

"Nah." She said, still looking at the sky. When I heard someone chewing their gum, loudly, I looked up and saw Veronica and her wanna bees.

Charlie looked up and got up from my lap, "What do you want? If you don't mind, I want to stay STD free."

Veronica looked shocked, but recovered, "STD free? You probably have more STD's than me."

"Says the one who had sex with most of the football team." Charlie shot back.

"Well, who wouldn't say no to hot men like them? Besides, we had countless nights together, they wouldn't have kept me if I wasn't so good in bed." Veronica said, rolling her eyes and twisting her hair.

"You? Good in bed?" Charlie started laughing, "I doubt. They probably kept you because they were desperate and needed a girl."

Veronica looked like she was about to explode. Veronica pounced on Charlie, starting a cat fight.

Veronica's pedicure nails scratched Charlie, she yelped and kicked Veronica in the stomach. Veronica pulled Charlie's hair but she punched Veronica in the face.

Her head went to the right, but when she turned around you could see the purple bruise already forming on her cheek.

'Help Charlie, you dim wit.' My wolf said to me. 'I-I don't know how to fight.' I said. 'Lemme take over, just for this. Please? Pretty please? With a cherry on top?' My wolf begged. I sighed, 'Fine, but promise you give me back control when you're done, okay?'

'Okay!" She agreed happily. I felt my wolf coming forth and went where the fight was, when Veronica was about the punch Charlie, I grabbed her wrist in time, inched away from punching Charlie's perfect face.

Veronica looked at me shocked, but that just fueled her more. My wolf twisted her wrist before she could do anything to me.

She cried out in pain, but that didn't stop her from attacking me. My wolf moved my head to the side, blocking her punch.

I punched he right in the nose, causing her head to jerk back. She growled before kicking me in the shins, but before she could, I punched her in the face, right where her eye was.

When I let go of her wrist, she stood up and tried attacking me. She tried punching me, but right before she made contact with where she was punching, I held he fist in my open palm. I used my other hand to punch her in the jaw.

Although, it wasn't hard enough to break the bone.

When I wanted to take control back because I was getting a headache. I won over my wolf but failed to dodge one of her punches to my stomach.

I grunted before falling butt down onto the ground. When I looked at my wolf's finished piece, I was grinning on the inside.

She had a bloody nose, a bruise forming around her eye and her lip was bleeding.

The world became dizzy, but I still stayed conscious.

"Oh my gosh! Are you okay?!" Charlie asked. "I'm fine." I said, taking Charlie's hand and dusting off my butt.

"This isn't over!" Veronica said, stomping off. Adam came over to me and checked if I had any injuries. He made eye contact with me, but seconds after I broke it.

Every time I looked into his eyes, it made my heart flutter. "I can take you to the nurse if you would like." Adam insisted, worry lacing in every word he said.

"No th-" I started saying, but he was already leading me to the nurse's office.

I shrugged it off, staring at Adam's big hand that completely covered my small one.


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