Chapter 11: A Transfer? (Part I)

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Penelope's P.O.V.

When I went back to my house after I left from Adam's party I directly went to my room. I told Phoenix and Cynthia that I was too tired to do anything else and was going to sleep.

They nodded their heads and said "Goodnight."

I locked my bedroom door and walked over to my bathroom to change clothes. When I was done, I went over to my bed and got comfortable under the blankets.

I sighed, thinking about Adam's party... And Adam.

It was like every time I looked at him, my heart rate goes a bit faster. It felt like I had a connection with him. This sounds like when my mom told me how she met dad.

She told me it was the best day of her life, meeting her mate. When they touched sparks were dancing around their skin. They instantly clicked and got to know each other better. With that, their journey started.

But I never made contact with Adam. I rolled over to my right, closing my eyes. I slowly started to drift away, my thoughts still on Adam.


I woke up the next morning like every other day. Cynthia or Phoenix knocks on my door informing me that Cameron and or Adam is here to pick me up, I take a shower, put on some clothes and go downstairs to walk with them to school.

I heard some rumors about this new transfer student, coming to our school next week. The rumors even stated that the transfer might be human.

We can only hope. I thought. I kept my head down and walked into my first class. 

The bell rung, signalling that it was lunch. I got up from my seat walking out of the door. About to go outside, Charlie stopped me once again. "You going to go outside yourself?" She questioned. I shrugged.

"Well, if you don't know, them let's go in the cafeteria." She offered, I shrugged again.  She dragged me into the cafeteria, some people stopped and stare while other people just continued their conversations.

Charlie led me to the table with Adam, Cameron, Mason and Luca. I waved at them and stared at my fingernails. I wasn't hungry at the moment.

"Aren't you going to eat?" I heard Adam question. I shook my head, "I'm not hungry." I said quietly.

I felt my wolf awake from her afternoon nap. 'What's wrong?' She asked. I mentally shrugged. ''I feel like the walls are closing in.' I said.

'I think you need to run, in wolf form. It's been a while.' She said, getting excited. 'But Phoenix said I shouldn't run since every time I shift back I'll faint for a while. What if I get kidnapped?'  I asked worriedly.

'I'll find a way to wake you up. Once you've fainted I'll be high alerted and can sense a mile away.' She said. 'Let's see if Phoenix lets...' I said.

'Hey Phoenix?' I said. I think I startled him because he didn't reply after a while. 'Yea Penny?'  He replied.

'Um... My wolf and I wants to go on a run.' I said nervously. He didn't respond for at least a minute or two, then he sighed. 'Fine. Stay in school though. Me and Cynthia is going to pick you up in a few minutes.'  He finally replied.


I was brought out of my trance with a hand waving in front of my face. "You okay?" I heard Adam asked. I nodded my head.

"Well, lunch is almost over, we should get going." He said. I just nodded my head. I got up, so did the others, and we walked out of the cafeteria. When I reached my locker, Adam's locker was just lockers after mine, he stared at me and smiled before getting his stuff for his next class.

I looked back into my locker, trying to calm my nerves. I grabbed the stuff I needed, Adam waiting for me. He walked me to my class, also his next class too.

I sat in the farthest corner from the door, which was in a corner. Adam sat next to me, facing the front of the classroom. I saw Cameron coming in, waving to both of us and sitting in front of Adam.

The class began, but not even getting into ten minutes of class, someone spoke on the speaker thingy. "Can Penelope Sanders please come to the office. I repeat, can Penelope Sanders please come to the office. Thank you." The person said.

I collected my stuff and headed out of the classroom. I sped walked down the halls and found the office. I saw Phoenix and Cynthia waiting for me patiently, the principal trying to have a conversation with them.

They answered his, the principal's, questions politely. Sensing I was here, Phoenix and Cynthia tuned to me and smiled at me, "We'll be taking our leave now, Mr. Harrlonton." Cynthia said.

Phoenix waved at him, saying a quick goodbye before leaving the office and school building.

Once we entered the forest, we all shifted, including me. Well, after Phoenix and Cynthia taking off their clothes with my back to them.

We all had different colored wolves, Phoenix's is black, Cynthia's was a blonde color, and mine was just brown with a black tipped tail.

We dodged trees, bushes and anything else you come across in a forest. We stopped at a cliff, hearing water crashing below us. Phoenix and Cynthia shifted back, but I stayed in wolf form, not wanting to shift back yet.

There were big rock scattered here and there, Phoenix and his mate sitting on one that was close to the edge of the cliff, but not too close.

Phoenix put his arm around Cynthia's waist, her head leaning against his shoulder. I went in front of them, putting my two front paws in front and my back paws lowering themselves for my belly to touch the floor.

I felt someone pet me, I looked behind and saw Cynthia looking at me in adoration. I looked back at her in confusion, why would she adore me? Shouldn't I adore her instead?

I mentally shrugged it off and let her continue petting me. We stayed out there for who knows how long before we had to go back to our house.

Phoenix and Cynthia shifted back to their wolves, leading the way with me following close behind. Phoenix suddenly slowed down, almost making me bump into him. He went behind me and kept close to me.

Cynthia lead all the way until we were home. I shifted back with much difficulties and I was extremely tired.

I was too tired to stand up on my two feet, falling down. Before I could hit the ground I felt two pair of hands on either side of the arms. I tiredly looked up and saw Phoenix holding my left arm and Cynthia holding the right.

They carried me into my room, tucked me in and said goodnight. I tried mumbling 'goodnight' also but it just came out as mumbles that could never be heard with or without werewolf hearing.

I didn't bother changing, having no energy in me and instantly fell asleep.


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