Chapter 36: In Another One

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Adam's P.O.V.

"Is he going to be alright?" I heard a voice say. "Compared to the other one that was also in the car, he is going to be fine."

Where was I? This doesn't sound like my pack. I slowly opened my eyes, meeting with bright lights.

I looked around and saw two people that looked like pack doctors. "Oh! You're awake." Said the one on the left.

"Where's Penelope?" I asked them, worried about my mate. The one on the right sighed, "She's in critical condition-" 

I cut her off, "Take me to her." I said, about to pull out the IVs. "Wait! We'll just wheel you in." I nodded my head and they got ready to transfer me to a wheelchair.

We stopped at a room that said in bold, 237. One of them opened the doors and I saw Penelope lying on the bed with a mask on.

She had multiple needles in her, making me wince quietly. "You're Alpha Adam, correct?" I nodded my head.

"She's your mate." One of the doctors said, and I nodded my head, wheeling myself closer to her. 

"Something was in the silver knife, affecting Penelope more than it should." She explained. I growled, "Did you find what it was?"

'Adam?' I heard my mother call me through our link. 'Are you okay? Where are you guys? I have been trying to get to you for days!'

'We're on another territory I think. We're in their hospital.' I said, looking at my mate.

'What are you still doing there?' She questioned me. 'We were in another car accident. Penelope's in critical condition.' I said to her.

'Oh dear! What territory are you in?'

'I think we're on the Moonlight Howl.'

'I'll tell the pack. Please be careful and come back soon.' She then cut off the link.

"Can I speak to your Alpha?" I asked, remembering my manners. "I'm Shirley by the way. She's my assistant, Claudia."

I nodded my head and they took me to see the Alpha. 

Shirley knocked on the door, "Come in." A stern voice said. Claudia opened the door and once I got in, they slowly closed the door.

"Alpha Trey," I said, looking directly in his eyes, "Thank you for saving my mate and I."

"We made an alliance for a reason, Alpha Adam." Trey grinned at me. "Some of my pack members will be coming. We'll be leaving in a few days."

He nodded his head, "If my pack members ever make you uncomfortable, just tell me. And please, don't kill them."

"I'll try not too." I grinned at him, "I can't promise if they did something to my mate, though."

"It's reasonable. Go back to your mate, you must be tired. I've already assigned a spare bedroom for you and your mate."

"Thank you again, Alpha Trey." I nodded my head at him.

Shirley was waiting for me outside the doors, "I was pretty sure you were going to get lost, so I stayed behind so I can show you around the pack house."

"It's fine. Can you show me where Penelope is? I can stay there."

Shirley shrugged, "Okay."

We were back in the hospital and she lead me to Penelope, "Thank you." I said to Shirley, she nodded and smiled a bit at me then walked away.

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