Chapter 9: Adam's Birthday (Part I)

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Penelope's P.O.V.

The next day went by quickly, and before I knew, I was waiting outside for Adam and Cameron.

I was sitting on a bench, swinging my legs back and fourth. I had warped a chocolate bar for Adam, not knowing what he likes. I also wrote a card for him.

Minutes later, Adam and Cameron was standing in front of me. I waved at them as they said 'hello'. We walked to Adam's car as many people stared at us. I spotted Veronica in a crop top, with a mini skirt and really tall high heels.

Veronica glared at me. I put my head down not wanting to meet her gaze again. We finally made it to his car, Adam opened the door for me before entering the car himself, Cameron sliding in the passenger's seat.

Adam sped out of there, nearly running over Veronica.

I had already told Phoenix and Cynthia, they hesitated but once I said Adam's name, they let me go.

I looked at the window to see trees fly by fast. I looked over to the wheel and see that Adam was going over the speed limits.

I gripped my seat belt tightly, afraid I would fly if he abruptly stops. Adam seems to be slowing down, are we here yet?

The car slowly stops, and I see a huge mansion. Adam opened the door for me, "Thank you." I said quietly. He just smiled at me and nodded.

I looked in awe as I take in his pack house. Cameron opened the door for us, nodding at Adam. The party hasn't started but people were scattered here and there. I heard feet thundering down the stairs, and suddenly there was two little boys and an older women.

"Adam!" The boys said at the same time, thinking maybe they're twins. Each of the hugged one of Adam's leg and started telling him about their day.

I looked over to the older woman, and I watched her as she looked at me in awe. She suddenly was in front of me and gushing over how soft my hair looked like.

"Oh my gosh! How did you get your hair that soft? So silky like! I love your eyes too! Back to your hair, it's so long! That brown color, I would totally die for!" She started sounding like a teenage girl.

She took a deep breath, "My name is Opheila, what's yours?" She said. "Penelope." I said quietly. "That's a beautiful name!" She complimented, "Thank you. I think your name is wonderful too." I said, a small smile forming on my face.

She kept talking, really fast too, I couldn't keep up on what she was saying. A small headache was forming due to how much this woman can talk.

"Mom, please stop talking. It looks like she's about to faint." Adam's voice said. She stopped talking, "Oh dear! I'm sorry, I just got carried away, I love talking if you hadn't notice! Do you like shopping, because I'm sure I can take you one day. Can I do your hair one day too! I always wanted long hair, but my hair 'stops' growing when its at a certain point!" She said in one breath.

"Mom!" Adam groaned.

"Okay! Okay!" She said.

"As you can tell, this is my mother." Adam said, "And those are my twin brothers." He said, pointing to the kids.

"My name is Joshua!" The one on the right said, "And my name is Joseph!" The one on the left said. "It's nice to meet you!" The said in sync.

I just smiled at them, I don't think I can tell them apart.

The party started in an hour later. The living room was filled by people within seconds, he probably invited the whole school!

Not knowing what to do, I just slowly inched towards the door. I had already given my birthday present to him, this is my first party, so I don't know what to do.

Just right before I reached the door Cameron stopped me. "Leaving so soon?" He asked. I nodded, "People are getting drunk, don't wanna get in the way." I said.

He looked around, "You're right... Wanna come with me for a walk?" He offered. I thought about it for a couple of seconds, "Sure." My quiet voice said.

We walked out of the pack house talking about what we like and dislike. The leaves were crunching beneath our feet, sticks were broken whenever Cameron stepped on it, while I was tripping over tree roots.

"Do you know about-" I cut myself off, should I tell him?

"Know about what?" He questioned. "Um... Do you know about Adam?" I said hesitantly. He grinned, "Know all about him. What do you wanna know?"

"What does he like?" I questioned.


Adam's P.O.V.

We entered the pack house, my little brothers tackled me in a hug once they got down the stairs. I was too caught up with them when I heard my mom talking like crazy.

I sighed, and told her that Penelope looked like she was going to faint. My mother apologized, but she kept talking and talking.

The party started about an hour later. The pack house gradually filled up with pack members and werewolves from Penelope's pack.

I couldn't see Penelope or Cameron anywhere, 'Where are you?' I linked Cameron. 'I'm taking a walk with Penelope, she was about to leave but I made her take a walk with me.' He responded back.

'Lemme hear.' I said. He obeyed my command, I could see my mate tripping over trees roots, and hear them talking.

"Do you know about-" She cut herself off. "Know about what?" Cameron asked. "Um... Do you know about Adam?" She asked hesitantly.

"Know all about him. What do you wanna know?"

"What does he like?" Penelope questioned.

"His favorite color is red." Cameron started. "He likes to play his Xbox, his favorite animal is a wolf, his wolf's name is Noah." He listed out.

Penelope just nodded. She looked at her feet, "D-Does he like a-anyone?" She asked. 'Say yes.' I told him. "He does like someone." Cameron said.

"O-Oh." She stuttered. "Oh! L-Look at the t-time." Penelope suddenly said, "I-I better get g-going before P-Phoenix worries a-about me." She shudder when a gust of wind blew by. 

'Do you have a jacket on you?' I asked Cameron. 'Yeah, want me to give it to her?' He replied. 'As much as I hate her having your scent, but she looks like she's going to freeze to death, so yeah.' I said, jealousy running through me.

I see Cameron putting his jacket on her, but she shook her head, "I-It's f-fine." She said, rubbing her arms.

Now it was Cameron's turn to shake his head, "You can take it. It's not that cold to me."

She eventually gave in and put on Cameron's jacket. "T-Thank you." She said.

"No problem." Cameron said. "Um, I'll give you the jacket tomorrow I guess." Penelope's quiet voice said.

She left, Cameron making it back to the pack house.

I sighed as I slumped into the couch. People were getting drunk. Although it is harder for a werewolf to get drunk, but it's not impossible.

Hoping this night would end faster so I could go to school and see my mate again.


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