Chapter 20: Family Dinner

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Adam's P.O.V.

When I woke up the next day, it was 5 in the morning. I groaned, I had three more hours until school. I decided to shower and change into sweatpants.

I went downstairs a female pack member rushed past me, "Sorry!" She yelled behind her. I wonder why she was in a hurry.

I went into the kitchen and saw chaos.

"What's going on in here?" I projected my voice so everyone could hear me. They all stopped and stared at me. "We are preparing for the dinner. Some dishes take longer than the others." One of my pack members said.

I nodded my head and was rushed out of the kitchen by my mom. "Get ready for school!" She said. I looked at her confused and looked at my wrist watch. 7:56

Did I really take long showering and watched the pack members cook? Guess I did.

I ran up to my room and pulled on a V-neck before spraying cologne. I grabbed my backpack before leaving the house with an apple in my mouth.

I threw my backpack in the passengers seat before driving off to school.

Right when I step foot of of my car, the bell rung. First period is starting in a few minutes. I sped walk in the building, the warning bell rung.

I sighed, slowing down to a walk. My class is all the way in the back, there's no use in trying to get there on time.

As I walked towards my class I saw some people making out in the hall ways, and I heard some moaning in the janitors closet.

I shivered before reaching my class. My mate's scent fill my nose when I opened the door. The teacher stopped teaching and the girls stared.

I sat down next to Penelope and the girls glared at her. "Glad you can join us, Alpha." The teacher bowed his head a little before continuing the lesson.

I saw my mate taking notes and squinted every time she looked up.

'Let's take mate someday to the eye doctor.' My wolf suggested. I agreed with my wolf, looking at my mate.


When the day finally ended, I held Penelope's hand until we reached my car. "Who's going to be at the dinner?" I heard my mate ask.

"My mom, my dad, my siblings, Cameron, Mason and Charlie. Their parents would probably come too." I listed.

I heard her gulp before I shut the door. I jogged over to the driver's seat and held her hand. She looked up from the contact.

"It's going to be okay." I said, rubbing circles on her hand. Penelope stared directly in my eyes for a few seconds before breaking the contact, but I was still holding her hand.

I drove away and went towards the pack house. When I pulled up on the driveway, Penelope's heart rate picked up.

I looked into her eyes, "If you don't want to come, we can do it another day?" I said, concerned. Penelope shook her  head, "I can do it." She mumbled probably to herself but I heard it.

I wish I knew what was going on in that beautiful mind of hers, but I couldn't because I didn't mark or mate with her yet, and I'm fine with that... For now.

We walked into the pack house and the scent of food filled my nose. I lead Penelope to the kitchen and saw the table ready. I sat at the end with Penelope next to me.

I saw my mom placing plates on the table and many other female pack members. My father and brothers came along with Cameron.

Slowly the table started to fill up with Betas and Gammas. When my mom sat down, she dismissed the pack members before my dad made a speech.

"Good afternoon, Betas and Gammas. Today we come together to celebrate for my son in finding his mate!"

Cheers erupted and everyone gave me encouraging smiles.

I stood up but before I could speak, someone came into the room. Veronica.

"What are you doing here?" I growled, irritated that she barged in and interrupted out dinner.

"She's not hi-" Before she could finish her sentence, food was thrown at her. I heard some giggling and saw that my younger brothers were flinging food at her.

"You bastards." Veronica growled, but that only made Joshua and Joseph laugh harder. Before she could speak again, the door slammed open, again, but this time hitting Veronica.

Veronica fell backwards and hit the floor, but no one cared about her but the person who barged in.

"Rouge att-" But he got caught off by something crashing into the windows. Everyone panicked and rushed my siblings out of the room, since they were the youngest ones here.

When I looked behind me, Penelope was gone. There was smoke everywhere, making it harder for us to see.

I bumped into someone, Cameron. "Have you seen Penelope?!" I yelled over everyone. "No!" He yelled back, "I thought she was with you!"

When we heard a scream, I knew it was Penelope. The smoke was disappearing, making it easier for us to see. When the smoke was completely gone, I saw rouges holding my mate, unconscious.

I growled menacingly taking a step forward. The rouge holding my mate shook his index finger and pulled out a dagger bringing it closer to Penelope's neck.

"Don't want anything happening to your mate, right?" He said. I growled but staying in my place.

"What do you want?" I said, my eyes turning darker. The rouges barked with laughter. "Isn't obvious enough?"

My mate. My wolf took control and I shifted into my wolf. Before I could charge at them, my dad held me back, "Do you want your mate alive or dead?!" He yelled at me.

My wolf growled at him but didn't move. If we did do anything rash the  mutt will just kill Penelope.

Veronica suddenly shows up and goes towards the rouges, "Let's just go. We don't need to waste our time on these pathetic wolves."

They nodded and ran towards the forest. "Follow them!" My dad ordered. The rest of the pack joined us. We shifted into our wolves but before we could reach the forest line, rouges came in front of us and growled.

'Kill them all.' My wolf ordered the pack. We attacked them but the more we killed, the more rouges poured out of the trees.

A rouge came towards me, jumping. I jumped also, head butting the wolf. He was stunned for a few seconds, but shook it off and charged towards me again.

He was jumping in mid-air again, but before he landed Cameron bit his left side making him whimper. His wolf nodded his head at me and I ripped the wolf in shreds.

We'll get you back, Penelope.

I promise.


3 out of 5 completed!

Happy Thanksgiving guys! :)

Sorry for the long wait, had a bit of writer's block.

I can't promise anything about the next chapter, I still have homework to do and I haven't touched it yet..

I'll try to update as soon as I can!


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