Chapter 5: Veronica

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Penelope's P.O.V.

As school ended I was limping out of the school building. Phoenix and Cynthia were picking me up today, seeing they had got off work earlier than usual.

I waited on a bench for their arrival, I took out my iPod and headphones deciding to listen to music. I leaned back and waited.

I looked around the school, teenagers were still hanging around the building, talking and people making out.

I see the girl in high heels and her wanna bees following after her coming out of the school building. They walked towards the bench I was sitting on, her mouth was moving but I couldn't hear her due to my loud music.

"Are you even listening to me, bitch?" She asked once she pulled the headphones down onto my neck.

I looked up and saw her icy blue eyes glaring down at me. I hesitantly shook my head. I was afraid if I didn't answer I would get beaten up like at my old high school.

"I said-" She took a step forward. "Don't bother trying to get yourself known. It's useless, and obviously that your another broken werewolf. No one would want you! I mean who would?" She laughed.

I kept my expression blank, although it hurt. I already know no one wants me, the people at my old school made it clear.

"Pale skin, skinny as a stick ready to break in half when someone steps on it! Bags, puffy eyes, it's noticeable!" Her wanna bees snickered.

"Oh, how rude! I never introduced myself. My name is Veronica. It's a name you should remember." She smirked. "Bye now!"

I let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding. Phoenix and Cynthia's figure was at the school parking lot, I waked- limped- towards them and greeted them. "Good afternoon, Cynthia, Phoenix."

"Good afternoon to you too." They both said back, smiling. We started waking back, me straying behind due to my, I think, broken knee. It hurts when I bend my leg back at a certain point.

"You okay, Penelope?" Phoenix asked, I nodded my head. "You don't look okay. You sure?" Cynthia asked making sure. I nodded once again. "Then why are you limping?"

"I just tripped, hitting my knee on the concrete. I guess the force was too much and I broke it?" I sounded more like a question.

"Okay then." Phoenix looked at me weirdly then worriedly.

We continued to walk until we came upon our house. I went upstairs to my room and pulled out my homework. About an hour in, Phoenix called me down for dinner. "I don't feel hungry." I somewhat yelled back.

"Okay." Phoenix replied. I was nearly done with homework, when I decided to put on my headphones. Grabbing them, and my iPod I started the music.

I finished my homework 10 minutes later and debated on reading a book or sleep. I got up and went to my bookshelf. I scanned through all the books, and finally settling on one. Elemental by Anthony John.

I sat on my bed, still listening to music, and started reading. It was 6:51 P.M. I read up until 10:12 P.M. I only had a couple of chapters left and decided to read it all today.

I finished the book within an hour. I quickly took a shower and went under my blanket. I fell asleep once I found a comfortable spot on my bed.

I woke up to someone knocking on my door, "Penny, it's time to wake up." Cynthia said. I yawned, "Okay." I replied.

I showered, looking at the razor. I shrugged, why not? I then proceeded to put three fresh cuts on my arm, thinking about Veronica's words. I clutch the razor in my hand, but slowly lost grip, dropping it.

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