Chapter 8-The heck?

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The demon covers its body with its hand but that doesn't work. Two arrows make a beeping noise and explode on the demon. The demon drops Dave and runs back into the woods. The kids follow the demon. Several of them stay back and say, "Come on noob we don't have all day."

Dave walks inside and feels a calm peace comes over him. Sheba, Jon, and Sam walk with the kids and enter the camp. Sheba sighs with relief as water is pour into her wounds and hair


Dave sees kids all around looking at them. There are beautiful cabins, lovely lawns; lush grass, animals walking about, and activities were everywhere. A tall man walks from the biggest cabin and gives a large grin.

"Welcome Sheba, Jon, Sam, and what do we have here?"

"This is...Evad. We found him on the run from some hell hounds."

The man looks at them and says, "And where is Carl and Linda?"

Before they say anything Linda is carried by some kids while one kid says to the man, "We found Carl. He won't be joining us."

The camp becomes quiet. The man stops smiling and gives a look of sadness.

"I see."

He takes a deep breath and says, "Carl was a brave boy. He will be remembered. But for now let's find out about this new recruit."

The man reaches out his hand to Dave."My name is Joshua. I am the leader of this camp. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Dave shakes hands with the leader. As he is shaking hands he sees a boy glaring at him with hatred. The boy is leaning on a wall and is with other two teenagers. The boy shakes his head and walks off. Joshua lets go of the boy's hand and leads him around the place.

"This is the camp for descendants like you. What you see is your new home. It will take a while to get use to your new home but you will love being here. This camp will train you to fight the enemy, teach you about your ancestor's history, and will help you increase your wisdom, strength, and courage. You are the future. Um Sheba? Do you know his ancestor?"

"N-No sir I don't."

"Hmm. Well we will find out about your ancestor at the ceremony. That is when you will find out about your ancestor. We have a lot of kids who never knew what they were capable of, until now. What a place this I might say so myself."

Dave felt like this man was one of those military generals who always shout orders mix with a TV commercial guy. Joshua shows him everything from the gates to the newbie's cabin.

"We had to relocate several times because of. . .different situations. But hopefully we don't have to move again. The magic that flows here strengths us, clears our thoughts, and heals us too! You are living in paradise."

Dave feels the man's arm around his shoulder.

"So I was wondering about this so called prophecy?"

Joshua stops talking. Sheba slams her hand on her forehead. Joshua looks down at him. "Where did you hear this from?"

"Nowhere. I was wondering because this camp must have some kind of prophecy right?"

Joshua stares at him for a while looking for signs of a liar. Sheba grits her teeth, sweat sliding down her face. But he looks ahead and says, "The prophecy hasn't be fulfilled yet. We are still missing a piece to the puzzle and until that piece arrives, we are with doubt."

Dave sees the shut-up-look on Sheba's face and becomes quiet.

Joshua leads Dave into his palace.

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