Chapter 32-Matriarchy

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Sheba walks with Sam and Jon on the sidewalk, crossing several houses. She yawns again and stumbled on the crooked sidewalk. 

"We're on the outside of Chicago."

"That's not good enough," moans Sam as he reaches for his food pouch. It's empty.

Sam hysterically falls down and groans. 

"I can't do this much longer! I need food!"

Jon shakes his head and smacks him on the back of the head.

 "Stop complaining. We'll get to a restaurant soon enough."

"But how soon? I can't keep going like this without food."

Sheba pulls out her bag and gives him her sandwich. He wolfs it down and smacks his lips. 

"I say Sheba. You're the real MVP right now."

Sheba rolls her eyes and Sam gets up. They walk past a neighborhood when suddenly a group of kids ambush them.

 "Well look what we have here," snickers a voice. 

The streetlights aren't helping Sheba, but she recognizes the voice of a boy.

"What do you want," sighs Sheba.

"Some of that boo-tae," laughs the kid.

Sheba cracks her knuckles. 

"Listen kids. I suggest that you leave immediately and go back to your mamas, ok?"

"Listen to this girl. I don't think you realize but we're the Bloodshot gang and we don't fear nothin. I suggest you watch who you're talking to because we especially don't fear no bi—"

Sheba punches the boy in his mouth, hard. The boy falls down and grabs his jaw. 

"I suggest you watch who you're talking to."

The boy glares at her, pulls out a switchblade, and gets up. 

"You're going to pay for that."

The other kids get closer and Jon shakes his head. 

"Next time, let me do the talking."

Sheba pulls out her qama and smacks the blade away. Sam launches himself into several of the kids and knocks them out cold. Jon dodges a blade and dislocates the arm. The boy screams and Jon kicks him down. Sheba ducks as another member tries to attack from behind and sends his feet up in the air. He crashes down and Sheba slams her foot on his hand, causing him to let go of the blade. The boy who instigated Sheba yells and goes after her. Sheba ducks and flips him. He lands on the ground and Sheba grabs his collar.

The boy yelps as Sheba points her qama at his chest. 

"Get your little groupie here and leave as quickly as you can."

Sam picks up some of them and throws them towards the street. They run off, leaving him and the unconscious boys that Sam dealt with. Sheba lets go of Mr. Instigator and helps the other boys up and they leave but not before he screams, "Once I get my leader, you'll be sorry as hell!"

Sam waves good-bye to them and smiles. 

"That was exciting. Let's do that again some other time."

Jon shakes his head and they walk off. Sam hears his stomach grumble and moans, "I'm still hungry!"

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