Chapter 33-

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Dave tries to sleep but is remembering Joshua conversation. 

"Do you think they saw Omega and Alpha? How would they put that into the newspaper?"

"They wouldn't."


"Because we are protected by the Mist."

"The Mist?"

"Back in they day, Moses was in the desert with the Israelites. God sent them a pillar of cloud in the morning and a pillar of fire at night. While we don't have the fire, we have the cloud which covers the  camp, our power, and  any supernatural events."

Dave gets up and opens the balcony door. He steps out and looks at the night sky. He tries not to look down or nausea will overcome him. He thinks about Beelzebub and grimaces. He's still out there. And when I find him. . .

"What are you doing," asks Michal.

"I thought you were asleep," says Dave.

"I couldn't sleep either. What are you thinking about?"

"About this whole situation that is upon us. So many things in this world that I can't even comprehend right now, and it's scaring me.

Michal wraps her arms around his waist and for once he doesn't stop her. "You know I don't know how you feel right now but I'll be with you for the whole way."

Dave nods his head but doesn't reply. 

"I'm serious Dave. You're the one that I'm destined to protect."

"But I don't need your protection."

"Right now yes, but when your powers had activated—"

"Why do I need to rely on my powers all the time? I'm great at fighting too."

Michal laughs and says, "I know you are Dave. Believe me I know, but still. . .things are too dangerous out there for hand-to-hand combat."

Michal turns him around and they stare in each other's eyes. She leans in, but Dave backs up. "I know you think I'm your boyfriend and all but I need to search for my friends."

"You mean Jon, Sam, and. . .Sheba."

"Yes. You know how Sheba feels about me too. I just don't know what to do."

Michal stops and scoffs at him. "I. Am. Your. First. Girlfriend. I hope you know that."

Dave looks away and Michal begins to lose patience. "Fine then. If you don't want me here then I'll leave. It's better than being treated like this."

 "So I guess you're getting mad because I won't say that you're my girl?"


Dave pulls her close and leans in. Their lips interlock and Michal leans in closer. The smell of fresh linen and oranges from his shampoo covers Dave's nostril and he wraps his arms around her waist. Michal roughly grabs his face and presses hard. She moves him towards the rail and looks at the several Escalades parking into the hotel's parking lot.

She continues to kiss him when he breaks away from her and takes a breather. 

"First real time huh?"

Dave looks at her and smiles. "Yeah. I guess it is."

Michal laughs and says, "Now it's time for round two."

She presses her leg against him and leans in again. She playfully slaps his hand and wraps her tongue around his. He turns her around and looks over. He sees the Escalades and stop. 

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